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tv   Today  NBC  September 23, 2010 6:00am-10:00am PST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning. billionaire mike zuckerberg agreed to donate $1 million. generosity or way to divert attention to a new film about to slam it? a giant tumor in a pregnant woman is and forced to divide her lower body. she and her baby are doing fine. you will hear from that woman this morning. too hot for "sesame street"? was it too much for the preschool set? we will let you december tide
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"today," september 23, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome. i'm meredith vieira. >> i'm matt lauer. if you are mark zuckerberg you can give away -- he is giving away a zblot lot. >> he mao lives in california. he chose to give $100 million to a school district in new jersey. we will talk about the timing of the gift. it comes before the release of the creation of facebook that portrays zuckerberg as a back stabber. also ahead after all the debate, the charges back and forth. today is the day that some of the new health care rules will actually take effect. we will tell you what they will mean for you and your family coming up in a little while.
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new details on the round-the-clock work going in chile to rescue the trapped miners that have been underground for six weeks. americans are playing a key role in getting those miners out. much sooner than expected. natalie morales will join us for a live report. what's it like to be a member of a polygamist family? one man and his four wives are here in the studio to talk about it in a live interview. >> let us begin with a check of the top stories. >> thank you so much. good morning. in the news this morning, president obama challenging world leaders to support a peace deal and if they do, he says, it may lead to a new member of the u.n. an independent state of palestine living in peace with israel by this time next year. on wednesday the president said the u.s. will continue to help developing countries but instead of buying short-term solutions, he said, the focus will be more on diplomacy and investment to help nations prosper.
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nato confirms the taliban commander has been captured in southern afghanistan. the commander helped supply militants in the area with money for weapons. in iowa egg producer testified before congress on wednesday apologized for salmonella outbreak that sickened 1600 people and led to a massive egg recall. a second egg producer took the fifth amendment. today another recall, this one involving up to 5 million containers of powdered infant formula that may have been contaminated with insect parts. we will have much more information about this on our website at blockbuster is filing for bankruptcy protection as it tries to reorganize. the company says it will keep its stores open. troubled schools and newark, new jersey, are about to get a huge gift from the facebook founder. trish regan joins us. the huge gift comes from zuckerberg as facing negative publicity, including new movie. >> it is expected to be very
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critical of him. some are questioning just exactly the timing on all of this. $100 million he is donating to newark schools. it is a very large gift. he is worth an estimated $7 billion. the gift apparently is going to actually cause new jersey to have to seize some control to newark itself. the state had taken over the school system back in 1995 because the schools were being so poorly run. as a result of this gift, or as part of the gift, actually, the mayor of new jersey is going to take back some control. the deal is expected to be announced on oprah winfrey's show on friday. but again, a lot of questions given that the facebook founder has no actual ties to newark, new jersey. he actually was raised in westchester county and now lives in california. some do question perhaps the moat. >> prob hopefully the money will do some good. a close call wednesday during a severe storm in pittsburgh where
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high winds hit an office building that used to be a church knocking the steeple inside of the building. where it almost hit a woman's desk. she was way from her desk at the time and no one was hurt. dramatic. you don't see that every day. 7:04. back to meredith, matt and al. >> came rolling through last night. came running in. >> what's going on, dad? >> things moved through. first full day of fall. but it is coming in pretty rough for our friends in the upper midwest, green bay to wichita. possibility of tornadoes and tint realdownpours. on the radar you can see the showers and thunderstormsaliring up, dodge city to green bay. rainfall amounts one to two inches. generally. but some areas from minneapolis all the way to the u.p. of michigan could see three to six inches of rain. locally some areas could pick up up to seven inches of rain before it is all over.
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that's your latest wester. matt. thanks so much. to politics, president obama addresses the united nations today as the gop addresses a new plan to deal with the economy and health care. msnbc's chief white house correspondent, chuck todd is here. >> the president is here, annual gathering of world leaders of the united nation. politics looming over everything. november mid-terms. while he's here, republicans are going to a hardware store in virginia to unveil the 2010 version of a contract with
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america they call their pledge to america. >> reporter: today, republicans will try to recapture what a young firebrand named newt gingrich did six years ago with his contract with america, convince the american people republicans deserve to run congress. their updated plan, a pledge to america focuses on five major areas, jobs, government spending, health care, national security and reforming congress. >> the president's been fond of playing class warfare politics, preying on the emotions of fear and envy might make for good politics but it's divisive and rotten economics. >> democratic house speaker, nancy pelosi said in a statement the pledge to america shows republicans want to return to the same failed economic policies that hurt millions of americans and threatened our economy. republicans pledge if they win control of congress, they will, among other things, make the bush tax cuts permanent, hold weekly votes on spending cuts
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and repeal and replace the president's signature legislative accomplishment, health care reform. >> doing something he hasn't done in a while, the president talked about health care wednesday, challenging republicans on the repeal pledge, why they want to get rid of something he believes will save the country a trillion. >> it doesn't make sense. it makes sense in terms of politics and polls. it doesn't make sense in terms of actually making people's lives better. >> reporter: the president also gave his first of two scheduled united nations speeches followed by a major democratic fund-raiser wednesday night, where he was confronted by a handful of protesters. >> want us to talk about what's at stake in this election, because the people that potentially will take over, if we don't focus on this election, i promise you, will cut aids funding and every priority you care about. >> reporter: after the
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interruption he returned his focus to the mid-terms and theme that brought him into office, change. >> the last election was about a changing of the guard. this election is about guarding the change. >> the president today, matt, is going to go over to the clinton global initiative where he introduces the first lady, michelle obama giving a keynote at the global initiative with president clinton. >> chuck todd, i appreciate it. let's swing over to meredith. >> more from nbc, tom brokaw, good morning. let's start with this pledge to america republicans will unveil today. unlike the contract of america that had the full support of republicans, there are only 12 that have signed on so far. what does that tell you about the shape of the party right now? >> i think they're trying to catch the tea party wave and capture the magic of 1994. they don't address some of the toughest issues still before us, medicare, social security and fail to point out a lot of the programs they protested against
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started in the closing years of the bush administration when hank paulson was trying to keep the economy from going over the cliff. take health care, for example, 17 1/2% of our gdp. no question about it, this health care bill is problematic for a lot of people. what are the answers? not just repealing it. the games are well under way. i've been doing this for a long time, meredith and never seen so many plates moving at the same time without having a key sense where they would end up. >> have you seen anything like the tea party? >> no, i haven't. you think about it, nine, 12 months ago we didn't know about the tea party. the power of the internet cannot be overstated. the first rule of politics is don't let the opposition define you. the tea party is using the internet, their people are motivated, passionate, turning out. >> about obama. >> guess who used the same technique to get elected president of the united states, president obama. and finds himself where bill
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clinton is saying he has to start pushing back than he has so far. >> this is a very right time in america. >> the recession is over meantime and a lot of people say you could fool me with that one, i don't have a job and my house might be in foreclosure. what do you say to those people? >> that this is difficulty. this is a jobless recovery. the market is doing well primarily because companies have piled up a lot of cash. interest rates low. our boss pointed out when we rad recoveries in the past, oil was $17 a barrel, no japan or china and baby boomers at the peek of their spending power and now at the peak of their taking power. a lot of states, california particularly are in deep trouble. more cutbacks to come there. everyone has to take a deep breath. we all got in it together and have to get out. >> in your travels, what are you hearing from people? >> i hear a lot from main street people voted for obama and feel like he's turned his back on
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them. that's the voice i hear across the country. they don't feel connected to him. they were quite excited about him. they had some questions but they thought he was their best choice for hope and now they feel like there's a disconnect between what's going on in washington and the problems they have everyday. >> now, everybody is talking today about mark zuckerberg and his donation of $100 million to the newark school system and the timing coming out critical about him. what do you think a gift like that really means? >> i think it really represents a couple of trends. these people are making so much money in it and the new technology. i spent yesterday afternoon with bill gates, giving a half a billion to improving teaching techniques in america. mark zuckerberg, whatever his motivation is giving $100 million to cory booker in newark, so he can take control of the newark schools and have a more responsive school system. whatever his motivation, i think we probably ought to stand back and say, how do we get in on
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this and how do we improve our education because mark zuckerberg, bill gates, all the people in that technology know education got them to where they are. if we're going to compete with india and china and all the emerging countries in the world, we have to do a lot better on that front. three cheers for mark zuckerberg. he can probably save money on his wardrobe. he only wears a hoody and black jeans. >> thank you very much. it is 7:13. here's matt. now to a sex scandal involving the leader of one of america's best known mega churches, bishop eddie long is being accused of using jewelry, cars and cash to lure three young men into sexual relationships. just outside atlanta with the details on this, ron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. eddie long is one of the most popular and powerful ministers in this country. he built a thriving empire in the atlanta area and some of his staunchest reporters say he is being charged with something he
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is not guilty of. >> somebody needs to celebrate that moment. somebody needs to bless god for that. >> reporter: he's hosted presidents like here at the funeral of loretta scott king, martin luther king jr.'s widow. he previouses to thousands of his mega church outside atlanta and counseled the president during the monica lewinsky scandal and outspoken opponent of homosexuality. but today, eddie long, who called himself "bishop" stands alone in the hot spotlight sued in civil court by three male members of his church for sexual coercion. no criminal charges have been filed. they say long introduced them to his world of luxury, private jets, rolls royces, plying them with gifts, even putting them on the church payroll while pressuring them into having sex. >> the bishop was grouping young men to be at his disposal.
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he finds them at 14 or 15 years of age. he starts to get a relationship with them at that primary of time when a young man is really searching for his identity. >> reporter: the men's attorney said long sent another young member of his church not involved in the lawsuit this picture of himself dressed far differently than his usual tailored suits. he has denied to speak publicly. but spoke through his lawyer. his spokesperson denied a shakedown. there are a lot of things being said out there but before rushing to judgment on bishop long in the court of public opinion. i really do hope that you would look at guys who are throwing mud and just consider the source right now. >> reporter: members of the church put the number at 25,000 include popular atlanta d.j., frank, who also defended his pastor. >> as a friend and extended family member, i have loyalty. i'm loyal to him and his family.
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i am standing by his side, through this and even afterwards. >> reporter: part of the debate between supporters and detractors is motive. one of the accusers, 20-year-old maurice robinson was arrested over the summer in connection with a burglary at long's church. the case is still pending. there was talk today mike eddie long might talk to the media about these allegations. a spokesperson says that will not happen. >> in decatur, georgia. thanks very much. it's 16 after the hour, once again, here's meredith. there is word rescue for the miners trapped in a chilean mine is ahead of schedule. natalie has made her way to the mine in copiopi, chile. >> reporter: good morning to you. you can see all the activity at the drilling site behind me. three powerful drills working 24-7 to try to dig a rescue tunnel to the mine they're
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making good headway for the rescue. >> reporter: it's a new day for camp hope, the families waiting since august 5th, the day their family crumbled into the mine that swallowed their loved ones. crown raleigh, known affectionately feels it's his duty to help here. the kids need happiness, he says. life goes on here, as best it can. spirits remain high as they cling to letters from their loved ones brought up almost daily from the mine. nearly a half mile below, and for 50 days now, the miners are trying to get on with their s subterranean existence. they know getting out safely is as much up to them as it is to their rescuers. they've shown nothing but
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resilience. even finding their own way to celebrate chile's independence day this past weekend. but good attitudes aren't enough. the key to their survival, daily deliveries, thanks to doves, through a 3 inch shaft, brings them food three times a day, medicine and vitamins. to maintain normalcy, the men mimic a routine of day and night with lamps. they communicate regularly with their families. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: on wednesday, the loved ones of alex vega celebrated his birthday, celebrating through a hook-up. they have even been sent cigarettes and projector screen, allowing them to watch soccer and movies. work also helps. the men have shifts where they help clear the rock from the drilling. where heed da-- wednesday, they recovered a part of a drill that had been detached.
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>> so far, they're helping this operation, giving us tips what they're seeing down there versus what we're seeing on the surface. >> reporter: brandon is one of a small group on the surface racing to help the miners. he has experience in a rescue helping pull out the miners from the mine disaster in pennsylvania. >> it's close to our heart and we wanted to come down here and do something. >> reporter: late last week, their drill, known as plan b, was the first to break through the chamber where the 33 had been trapped. >> everyone on site started hugging. it was a defining moment. >> reporter: just like quecreek, the chilly rescue plan will entail sending a bullet shaped steel capsule expected to be completed by next week, 8 feet long and only 21 inches in diameter, big enough to pull the men to the surface. for the families keeping a daily vigil here, hope, a new day will
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bring them one day closer to their loved ones. the lead engineer says the earliest they might expect a rescue now would be the first week of november, although some family members are hoping it could be even sooner than that. perhaps a best indication that rescue capsule is expected here next week. >> natalie, how far down have they been able to drill so far? >> reporter: as i mentioned, there are three competi competing -- three drills here now actively working on the site. one of those drills has actually made it more than halfway down, into the mine shaft where they are. a lot of progress being made here. there are high hopes it could be sooner than the christmas time frame they had been talking about earlier. >> their spirits are quite amazing. natalie morales, thank you so much. >> reporter: amazing, sure. the pregnant womans who lower body had to be cut in half to remove a large tumor.
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both she and her baby are doing fine. both she and her baby are doing fine. we will be t you know, i jugot ththie checking account. really? yea, check this out. there's no deposit slips or envelopes. you just take the check and--psshht--right in there. now chase atms take the worry out of making a deposit. so that's it? they got it? duh. oh it's on the receipt. it also works with cash. really? do you have a 20, or... yea! psshht! voila. that's cool. ok let's go. hey, wait. where's my 20? hey, what's up, dude? chase checking. welcome to banking with chase. chase what matters.
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our state has a huge deficit. meg whitman's plan will make it billions worse by eliminating the capital gains tax for wealthy investors, including herself. economists say her plan will "rip a hole in the budget" and is "deeply flawed". analysts for the l.a. times say whitman's plan is a "pure handout" to the rich creating a "huge risk" to schools and public safety. jerry brown's against this unfair giveaway because it will take billions from our children when we can least afford it. get california working again-for all of us.
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just ahead, what's it like to be a member of a polygamous family? we'll ask this man and his wife's. and katy perry and what has t.artsupset. we'll talk about that after the local news and weather. that i want to do completely on my own -- i like to discuss my ideas with someone. that's what i like about fidelity. they talked with me one on one, so we could come up with a plan that's right for me, and they worked with me to help me stay on track -- or sometimes, help me get on an even better one. woman: there you go, brian. thanks, guys. man: see ya. fidelity investments. turn here.
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ancr: on september 2nd we took over a restaurant just for a day. then we made lunch for the neighbors. thousands of turkey burgers on us. to show people there's a burger that's as lean as it is delicious. it's really good. he loves the turkey burgers. if i can give her something that's good for her and lean, i'd totally make this for her. ancr: make the switch. look for jennie-o at a store near you.
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good morning. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia cannon. we have an update on the gas leak. crews capped the leak and still working on other repairs. christie smith is live in orinda with the latest. >> reporter: there were holes left in the street from the digging. those are being filled and also a couple of businesses downtown did not have gas. as a result of those businesses, they're being turneded back on and slowly things are getting back to normal in downtown
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orinda after a gas line ruptured. the industry manager told me an outside contractor doing construction hit a gas line with the back hoe. about a dozen homes are evacuated and turns out this was a two-inch line and people were allowed back home. they are expected to reopen totally any minute. live in orinda. christie smith, today in the bay. >> thank you very much. we will check the morning commute with mike coming up in a little bit. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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we have been following the gasoline break in orinda. >> that should not affect downtown. getting on to 24, off of 24, we are looking at the south bay where 280 and south bay were with the slow drive heading northbound. 280 and 85 really jamming up through downtown. slow through 680. >> another local news update in about a half hour. see you then.
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7:30 on a thursday morning, the 23rd of september, 2010. smiling faces on the plaza. this first full day of fall feels much more like the first full day of summer, temperatures in the 80s today. more in a couple minutes. and alongside meredith vieira, major changes in health care take effect today. despite the fact we've been talking about this for it seems like years now, today is the day some of the provisions of the new health care legislation take effect. how will you be affected if you get your insurance through work
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or pay for your own insurance, answers to those questions coming up in a couple minutes. also ahead, a rare look inside the daily life of a polygamous family, the browns, one man, four wives and 16 children, are the focus of a new reality show getting a lot of attention. we will meet them coming up. also ahead on monday, we sit down with president obama for an exclusive live interview that will kick off "education nation," to look at the state of education and improving it. we want your questions for the president. submit them at our website at and submit your questions live, a full half hour live from the white house. meanwhile, let' begin with an amazing story, a pregnant woman whose lower body had to be cut in half to survive what was an untreatable cancer. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. janet olson was 31 years old and pregnant when doctors told her
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she had a rare form of bone cancer. her only shot at life was risky surgery with major consequences. doctors performed the groundbreaking procedure documenting it with video and provided it to nbc news. janet olson is a mother of two with a survivor's story. she was pregnant with her second child and started having back pain. >> it was pretty brutal pain that started out with i guess what a lot of people have in pregnancy but it got worse very very quickly. >> reporter: she went to see doctors in their native canada, she news was shocking. janis had untreatable bone cancer in her pelvis, a tumor the size of a woman's hand. doctors said the only way to get the tumor was to cut off the lower part of her body and put her back together again. the risk was enormous. janis would lose one of her legs and no guarantee her remaining leg would be okay.
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>> their goal was for me to survive, to see my babies grow. >> reporter: surgery could not be done while janis was pregnant and she had her baby delivered early by c-section. her son, leland, was born healthy but janis had a tough road ahead. her family traveled to the mayo clinic in minnesota. and they practiced on cadavers. >> she was the first person we tried it on. >> reporter: doctors called the pelvic construction pogo stick rebuild performed in two separate operations. during the first procedure, the surgical team removed janis' left leg, half of her pelvis where the tumor was located, her tailbone an left spine. in the second operation, they took the top portion of the leg removed, rotated it and secured it to her pelvis. then, they shifted her right leg and pelvis and attached it to
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her spine. the cancer removed, anjanis was able to find new ways to get around. she has a prosthetic leg with her left side and even goes s w snowmobiling with her family. >> i'm driving and a sign of my rehabilitation. >> reporter: she is cancer-free and looking forward to a long and fulfilling life. >> if it wasn't for the mayo clinic, i wouldn't be here today and my baby wouldn't know me and my 4-year-old forgotten me right now. >> there is a chance the cancer could come back but right now, she's living a happy, healthy life. >> thank you. good morning. you talked to janis, who went through this ordeal last night. how is she doing? >> i spoke to her last night. she's terrific. 3 1/2 years out and a real list. she knew this would be a big surgery. because she has kids at home.
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there is no option. i'm a mom. i'm willing to go to the mayo clinic and do something they have never done before. >> they only did this on a cadaver. >> a pelvis is a funny struckture, you don't think about it, what our babies pass-through and leg bone goes through. you don't think about it. if you think about it, it destabilizes the whole lower body. the idea they took a piece of the amputated leg and sort of put it back into sort of as an anchor, that's the pogo stick part, to reanchor this. the fact this piece is coming out right now, that part is the lower spine, really means her right pelvis has nothing to attach itself to. you have a spine and a right leg and nothing. this piece of bone they just reinserted allows the pelvis to be feuds to the lower spine. so her right leg had to be moved in a little bit. when that happened, she had some nerve damage to her leg.
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but this at least gives her some stability. this is a partially functioning right leg. she can bend it at the knee. it does have some areas of numbness. it functions reasonably well. when she puts the prosthesis on, her big bucket you saw, it gives her two pieces, two legs to balance on. she can move with crutches, she prefers a walker. around the house, she really stays in a wheelchair most of the time. >> how risky was that surgery for her? the risky of it is a big surgery. the headlines say a woman cut in half like houdini. what they really did was take off half of her lower body. the risk, it's never been done before. a huge surgery. every surgeon will tell you, we can take out anything. the real challenge is how do you put somebody back together. that's what makes this novel and makes this so courageous. she has an sarcoma, an
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aggressive tumor of the bone. they will still follow her very carefully at the mayo clinic. it allows this woman, one, to have a life, and two, reclaim her am bulation to the best of her ability and very brave on the part of the doctors that they both trust each other, what can be done. this is a real leap of faith on her part. >> she wanted to be there for her kids. >> she is really a cool woman. you will enjoy meeting her. >> we will be seeing her tomorrow. thank you very much. >> janis will be joining us live tomorrow on "today." now, a check of the weather from al. today's weather is brought to you by centrum ultra, women's multivitamins. >> was that don nash? wow! don nash. very nice. let's check your weather to see what's going on. not quite the dolce tones of jim bell. not bad. we're keeping an eye on the t p
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tropics. 60% cyclone developing with low pressure and may affect the eastern seaboard in the next week or so. afternoon temperatures, we have warm air up and down the eastern seaboard in the mid-mississippi valley, summer-like rather than fall-like, risk of strong storms in the upper mississippi valley and upper midwest and rain in the upper midwest. plenty of sunshine in the northeast. record highs in mississippi a beautiful shot this morning in san francisco. transamerica tower with a lot of blue sky. haven't seen a lot of clouds or fog. current temperatures are fall-like. 43 in gilroy and 51 degrees in san jose. our forecast highs will make it into the 80s in the inland area. 74 degrees in oakland. this weekend though, the heat is on. be on the look out for heat
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advisories. that's your latest weather. >> all right, mr. roker. thanks. the gang's all here. we want to talk about something. a new duet featuring katy perry that has some parents calling foul. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> so apparently what some people are upset about is perhaps the outfit katy perry is wearing, along with this iconic television character, elmo, with the cleavage. i've gone completely wishy-washy on this. my first reaction was maybe it's not right, the more i look at it, i don't think there's anything wrong with it. >> i don't either, to be honest with you. i think children have seen those. almost like a ballerina's outfit. >> that was kind of a cartoon character already. >> i think what was probably more offensive to some people is
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when elmo was in the silk pajamas smoking a cigarette. >> you're joking? >> however, i joke. i don't know. i think that's people picking a fight there. >> we should call elmo for an interview. he was running from her. i know my 21-year-old son has been watching "sesame street" like crazy. i found that fascinating. >> there you go. what do you think is a video too risque for "sesame street"? logon to >> we will get an earful. a lot of people do not find that okay. >> in that case, i think it's offensive. >> wishy-washy. meanwhile, up next, a major health care change taking effect today. you need to know right after this. for an off-road vehicle, ask about the skid plates. ask if they're a full-protection five-piece package. ask if they're solid steel. or...don't ask.
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but you'll find out eventually. ♪ and then there's most complete, like what you get from centrum ultra women's, the most complete multivitamin for women. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, and calcium for bone health. centrum ultra women's. it's pretty cool. [ woman ] you just feed your check in. feed the money right in. no deposit slips. no looking for an envelope. i have an image of my check right here. i can get a picture of the check, on the receipt. it even tells what kind of bills i put in. [ man ] you just put the bills right in.
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it even did the math for me. -four twentys. -a ten. -two fives. -a hundred bucks. -it's all right here. ♪ i'm done, i'm outta here. [ male announcer ] quick and easy deposits. with atms from bank of america. ♪ quick question... what does she see in him? well, his scrubbing surface is 30% larger these days. [ spray bottle ] yea, that was rhetorical. [ liquid cleaner ] one more thing, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you, so ha. see, i don't think you know what rhetorical means. oh look at this, this is where he says "i'm mr. clean, i don't just clean, i bring out the shine, too!" ding! [ liquid cleaner ] what was that? [ spray bottle ] that was the noise a shine makes...or so i'm told. i've never actually done it. [ male announcer ] remove three times more soap scum per swipe with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber.
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we're back now at 7:43. this morning on today's health, health care rules, several provisions of the health care reform law kick in for you. what does that mean? cnbc bertha coombs is here. good morning to you. we've been talking about this for years. today is when we see some of these changes taking place. give me the headlines.
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what will people see? >> the whole plan starts in 2013, when people can buy into it. a lot of protections and expanded coverage start today on the six month anniversary passage of the bill. one of the big ones is no more lifetime limit on insurance benefits. this is important for people with hemaphilia or cancer. you can't max out. the yearly limits are more generous, up to $750,000. also, the big one a lot of people have looked at, now, you can keep your adult child up to their 26th birthday on your plan. 30% of young adults between 18 and 24 are uninsured because a lot of them don't have jobs that pay them insurance. >> let's stop here. i know this is something you think universally, people should say, great, let the employer put that child on the plan. you think there is a way you should actually compare costs because you may be able to get a
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high deductible policy outside your employers plan and save money? >> exactly, depending where you live. i talked to a number of analysts who say you should crunch the numbers here. employers make you pay more out of the pocket, more of the cost for that dependent care, particularly if you're adding back a young adult, depending where you live, you might be able to get a high deductible plan cheaper in a state like california, for example. >> preventive care also becomes covered under policy. if you buy your own insurance, the same three big provisions apply. any other changes? >> also extra protections. on preventive care, that includes not just annual exams, mammograms, colon ost tomys, baby visits and child immunization visits as well. free now, no co-pays. if you buy your own insurance, there are also new protections in terms of children with pre-existing conditions, can't be denied insurance. if you look for a policy only
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for your child, you may have a more difficult time finding one of those. a lot of insurers worry they will only have to cover sick children, so they will not offer that. they will give it to you if you do a family plan. >> real quickly at the end, i want to give tips of yours, way to save money. stay in your network, that always helps you save money. drugs, use generics. >> use gernernernics and mail s orders, rather than 30 day prescription, get a 90 day prescription. >> and take advantage of the wellness incentives. >> and tax-free savings plans, flexible savings plans if you are on your employers or a high deductible that say you pay more out-of-pocket for the benefit of lower premiums but you can save with health savings accounts have the benefit those roll over and can boost your health
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dollars by 30% because you're not paying tax on it. >> thanks. i appreciate it. 7:46. up next, the beauty bandit learns her fate for allegedly stealing cosmetic treatments. first, these messages. e healthc. gangs were prevalent. violence was all over. families were falling apart. you can't raise children in a community like that. people had been talking about things, but not doing anything. hi, mr. canada... how are you? i'm doing great, how 'bout you? right here on 119th street. if we could fix this block, then we could fix the next block, then we could fix the next block... we promised parents, if your child stays with us, i guarantee you that child is going to graduate from college. failure is simply not an option. the sixty...the seventy... the eighty... the ninety-seven blocks which ends up being 10,000 children. we start with children from birth, and stay with those children until they graduate. if you really want to have an impact that is large, you will get there going one step at a time.
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there is no act that is too small to make a difference. no matter what you want to do, members project from american express can help you take the first step. vote, volunteer or donate at it's not ready yet. (announcer) every smucker learns to wait for fruit to reach the peak of perfection to make extra delicious jam. helps kids be their best. we think it probably helps teachers be their best too. quaker instant oatmeal. now some of your favorites have 25% less sugar than before
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and delicious all natural flavors. so you can be amazing. does your breakfast make you amazing? so you can be amazing. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. now to south florida where the so-called "beauty bandit" finally had her day in court. nbc's reporter is in a plastic suite in behar bore where they
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have to get paid up front or they may not get paid at all. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. the american society of plastic surgeons estimates as a nation last year, we spent $10 billion on surgeries. as you'll see, the cost of going under the knife sometimes is so deep, often the patients who come in on tables like this have the procedures even though they cannot afford the cut. with a blank ankle monitor strapped just over her matching stiletto heels, the so-called beauty bandit paraded into a miami-dade court to be judged. her appearance before this bar on charges of grand theft, identity theft and fraud. prosecutors say 29-year-old maria christen, obsessed with her looks, systematically visited various south florida plastic surgery clinics, getting botox injections, sculpting her
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look. the price of beauty, more than $5,000. every time, she cut out before paying. >> this is the first time i had anybody accused of stealing botox. her lawyer says the deal offered by prosecutors was picture perfect. restitution to the doctors, a $500 fine and community service. >> i'm just glad i'm off my house arrest and can move on with my life. >> reporter: the unemployed beauty bandit still faces charges in another jurisdiction, although on her facebook page which has dozens of photos, some not appropriate for television, she claims that plastic surgery patient, who nipped out after tucking her wallet deep in her purse was a look alike, not her. >> her features are very unique. i could see her in china and i know that it was her. >> reporter: her monitor is off. like cellulite, there's no promise it won't come back. the terms of her sentence require strict attention. the beauty bandit offered no
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excuses. but her lawyer did try to explain. >> everybody wants to look fabulous. >> reporter: the doctor uses this surgical suite here was also tripped by a group of bandits to the tune of more than $50,000. the fbi investigated. often this is how the scam works, the patient shows up with a false name. when the doctor wants to take the before photograph, i'm sorry, i can't do it, i'm under a modeling contract and after the procedure, they slip away, no evidence and no way to find them. >> dead beats are dead beats. thanks. just ahead, the inner workings of a polygamous familye we'll meet one man and his four wives. >> and we'll take to tina fey. first your local news.
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as a mom i believe books brighten a child's future. so join the sunnyd book spree. when your child's class collects 20 labels... they get 20 free books! go to and help us make classrooms sunnier. words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility
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for the cln thupn lf i e gu bp has taken full responsibility and that includes g keinepyou informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped, is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right.
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but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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>> good morning to you. 7:56. i'm laura garcia cannon. let's check the commute with mike. >> southbound oust oakland into san leandro, the real slow down approaches. typical for hayward and slow approaching the dumbarton bridge. out of the stearks japing up around the san mateo bridge and men low park and the south bay reverses the direction. slow on highway 85 all the way past 87 and 17. we are looking at 280 slowing through downtown. towards cupertino, a steady flow past the airport. things are cool, but a change, right? >> that's right. nice cool temperatures this
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morning. 43 in santa rosa. 49 in livermore. 53 degrees in san francisco. the forecast highs will make it to the 80s and lookinga the noon temperatures, a lot of sunshine is forecast. highs in the 80s inland and 60s along the coast and san francisco. the big change coming your way. rming to hot temperatures this weekend. laura has the news in a bit.
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oakland police are investigating a shooting that hurt three people. two of the victims may have just been grazed. the third they are chebing on. the shooting happened early this morning in a club in the 1400 block at the caribbean club in oakland's chinatown. jerry brown will be in the east bay today. brown will hold a news conference at the largest privately held company in newark. he will talk about creating thousands of green jobs. he will thereby at 10:00 this morning. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great morning.
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8:00 now on this thursday morning, the 23rd of september, 2000106789 that is the very funny tina fey. where is she? there she is. we're on the rockefeller plaza roof. tina fey talks about the return of "30 rock" tonight. >> fifth season. they said it wouldn't last. >> it did, though. >> guess what. it has. >> also ahead, if you like the program "big love," we will meet a polygamist family, a guy who
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has three wives and is about to add a fourth wive to the fold. >> they did, actually, they got married in may. >> it's a complicated existence. we will be talking to them about that in a little while. >> we've all got daughters, and, of course, the thing we always worry about is their self-esteem. bobbie brown is here to show us how to tell our daughters to accept how they look on the outside but the beauty that lies within. and the headlines with ann curry at the newsdesk. >> thanks a lot. thanks so much, everybody. good morning. president obama is sharing his vision for an independent palestine estate before a major address at the u.n. assembly and saying they will never know true security and the palestinians will never know the dignity that comes with statehood unless both sides resume with peace talks this month and he's urging others to support the solution of an independent palestinian within one year.
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>> it's time to reach. if we do, when we come back next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nations, an independent sovereign state of palestinian liveing within israel. the owner of an iowa egg farm at the center of one of the biggest egg scares in u.s. history is offering an apology. he and his son also promised members of congress on wednesday that they have changed the way they do business. nbc's tom costello has the story. >> reporter: the man at the center of the salmonella egg recall issued a very public mea cul culpa. >> we apologize to everyone who may have been sickened by eating our eggs. >> reporter: members of congress had little patience for austin jack and his son, peter. the video on the way documents
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after the recall was lrd under way show dead hen, dead mice, and a barn bursting open with manure. >> the conditions in your facility were not clean, they were not sanitary. they were filthy. >> this is a very big operation. we have a certain way we go about running it. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president of the second iowa farm involved took the fifth amendment when asked to testify. >> i respectfully decline to answer the question. >> reporter: the salmonella outbreak is thought to have sickened at least 1,600 people and thousands more in 22 states. >> i'm angry they have gotten by with it and haven't cleaned up their act. >> reporter: with investigators zeroing on their iowa farm, they're suggesting someone else, a feed provider, may be responsible for the salmonella though they're promising to clean up their own farms.
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tom castello, nbc news, washington. and cattle isn't the only thing they round up in texas. this more than 500-pound alligator was found living in a pond on an east texas ranch. and as you can see, wildlife officials have used a lasso to pull him out. it's something you don't see every day. he's now been sent to a private farm for rescued reptiles. now, let's go outside to matt and meredith. >> yes. a check of the weather, al. >> that's right. we're here. the british school of chicago, loud. i didn't know they had a british school in chicago. i bet there are a lot of british students in chicago. they don't sound british. they sound american to me. all right. let's get your weather. columbus, ohio, nbc 4, partly sunny and warm, 89 degrees. as you can see for today, a risk of strong storms in the upper
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midwest. record highs in the ohio river valley, into the gulf coast, sunny but cooler in the northeast. then for tomorrow, we've got rain from the upper midwest into new england. showers in central texas and clouds in the pacific midwest. record highs move into the mid-atlantic and northeastern states. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happenin traffic is moving well on a very sunny golden gate bridge. our forecast today calls for cool temperatures to start things off. then we'll warm things up this afternoon. right now, we see 43 degrees in santa rosa. 54 in hayworth. 51 in san jose. by the time we reach the lunch hour, most of us will be reaching the 70s, but the city, san francisco, 67 degrees. afternoon highs, looking a little bit warmer and then it's looking hot this weekend, reaching the 90s. that's your latest weather. >> when we come back, one man,
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four wives, we'll talk to them right after these messages. rise and shine! [ man ] ♪ today the world looks mighty fine ♪ [ women ] ♪ pop-tarts happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ blow a kiss to mom ♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine
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the medicine in advil is their #1 choice for pain relief. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. use the medicine doctors use for themselves. one more reason to make advil your #1 choice. [ water runs ] [ female announcer ] new chef boyardee whole grain beefaroni. [ whispering ] now with whole grain pasta. shh.
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♪ i was young and i was stupid ♪ i had just turned 17 ♪ a harmonica and a box guitar ♪ ♪ in a canvas-covered wagon stuffed... ♪ [ male announcer ] while the world's been waiting on the electric car, maybe the whole time, the electric car has been waiting for this... the wattstation from ge. it's going to change the way we get to where we all want to go. ♪ i didn't think much of it till i took it apart ♪ that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet?
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we are back at 8:09. these days, families include single parents, step parents, single moms and two dads and one series is about to document one man and multiple wives. sist ster wives takes you into the relationship of one man and three wives and the addition of
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wife number four. >> 20 years ago i married meri and then janelle and 16 years ago, i married christine. i fell in love and then i fell in love again and then i fell in love again. >> they're live with us. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> this is the kind of lifestyle most people would not embrace and certainly don't understand. let me start with you, kody. you did not come from a plural family as it is call. your dad was not a polygamist. what led you down this path? what made you choose polygamy? >> it was faith based. part of a faith belief. i followed through with it and this is kind of where it landed. >> you started with meri, the first woman you married. your dad was a polygamous and you understood this lifestyle. >> yes. >> this is technically the only legal marriage you have in the
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state of utah. the rest of the marriages are not considered legal or not? >> no. >> meri, you get into this situation. did you assume other wives will come? >> at the time we got married, we both knew it was something we were going to live. this is a lifestyle we were adopting. >> after you, there was janelle and then christine and then robyn, you came a little bit later, so i will hold off on you a moment. all of you chose to accept it. why did you want multiple wives? beyond religion, tell me specificly. you had meri, obviously, you were happy. >> i know you're asking kody. it's faith, a faith decision. we -- anyway. >> what is it they say? >> faith is about family. it's about working together and overcoming our faults, and raising beautiful children and having a happy family and
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respectfully, we interpreter it and many of our friends interpreter it the same way. >> i like to call it accelerating personal development. dealing with a lot of challenges. >> one way to put it. once you have been watching the series, i was given three episodes to watch. so the viewers understand, the three of you -- we'll get to you in a second, robyn. for 16 years, you all have lived in one home together. it was after you had married all three women you actually all started having children. now, we're up to 13 kids. explain to me how the house functions on a day-to-day basis. meri, you like the way things work? >> i do. i do. i like the way it works. you know, as far as our interaction, the kids have all been raised all together, as a family, and they just interact really well together. they're siblings and they love each other. i don't know. it just works really well. >> we didn't all live all together all the time. before we lived in the house we live in now, we asked the kids
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what they wanted. we said, do you want to live in three separate houses or do you want to have one big house? they were all like, one big house! they really like it. it really works well for us. we have three separate apartments in the house, but we all still live together in that house. >> the children now attend a private school, that's not correct? >> no. they did attend private school. >> now, we're all in public, except for one. >> except for one. the number one question you get asked, i think i know what it will be, christine, about people who don't understand the lifestyle. >> they ask us. how do you make it all work? what about jealousy? >> what about jealousy? >> jealousy is a natural feeling ever fes. as long as you know who you are, i think all of us, every woman needs to feel confident in who they are. that's really how you handle anything. >> for me, for my own experience, jealousy is almost
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always an insecurity, something i'm insecure about is causing me to feel bad. i had to really find my own voice, be able to embrace who i was as a person and enjoy my strengths and be able to recognize everybody else's strengths, too. when you become confident in who you are -- >> you don't need anyone to tell you you're okay. >> yeah. i feel like i -- >> sharing -- >> the question is how can you share one man, all three women? >> it's not sharing, it's like you are getting -- he's a really great guy because he knows how to do this. in order -- it's like you get this part of this really great awesome person. it's not even like you have a quarter. >> i don't feel like -- it's family. >> how does it work, to get to the nitty-gritty. every night, do you stay with a different wife? >> yeah. we have to schedule, rotate through a schedule, so everybody
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gets their time. we try to be fair with the time, try to be fair with the relationship and we function very well together. the group of us actually do things together. >> when you came into the picture, robyn, about a year ago. >> yeah. >> at first, the other ladies, based on the series, weren't so sure because they had this nice zen going and you particularly expressed some of your frustrations and worried. there was a jealousy about her. why worry? everybody else was fine, when she comes along, it's just one more wife. >> honestly, i was shocked, too. it was so hard for me. you see that more when you watchsist ster wivwatch "sister wives." it surprised me, too, because i've always been secure in who i am. >> you have to understand, christine is awesome, so sweet. >> it surprised me christine struggled. >> it reshuffled everything, a
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group basket upset. it changes things. you have to sort of discover yourself again or rediscover yourself. >> find out what your strengths are again. >> the thing is when you have -- christine was married last, that was 16 years ago. it's taken a lot of the 16 years to be able to grow together and become so comfortable with each other. then, yeah, when something else is thrown into the mix, things will shuffle things up. >> what about your kids, one of your daughters in the series says this right out, she says when she gets ready to make a decision, she does not want to be in a plural family. >> i encourage that in my children. i had to make a choice. i didn't grow up in this faith. i chose the faith as an adult. i want my children to have that same choice. i think we all talk to our children. i talk to my children about choice and consequence in a way my parents never discussed with me because i want them to understand that any choice, whether it's who they marry, what religion, what school, they
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all have to have -- you have to be able to be comfortable with your choice and accept the path that put you on. >> kody, you're in sales and early on, you say, the one thing you've been trying to do is basically keep your lifestyle secret from the general public. you've blown the cover obviously, why did you decide, i am going to go forward with this. a lot of people will look at this and go, whoa, it's not my cup of tea. >> i'm not trying to sell it to the world. when you're in a closed society, you feel kind of -- >> oppressed. >> oppressed. exactly. >> it's dangerous. we're hoping that we can create more transparency for those in our faith. there is a lot of fear in our culture about the government. sometimes people in those instances, where there is things going wrong, they're more afraid of the government than they are of the perpetrator or whatever is going on. we hope we can open this up.
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>> there is a lot of bad media about polygamy and this way of life and hoping to dispel this and say, hey, that's not us, that's not our family. >> okay. i have to point out at this point it is illegal. we have to point out. kody, thank you so much, meri, janelle, christine and robyn. "sister wives" premiers on tlc. up next, "30 rock." credit card rewards are always good in theory. sometimes i would get rewards, sometimes i wouldn't. this one card i had -- there were all these rules. rules and restrictions. oh, and limits.
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[ scoffs ] forget about it. but i love this card. bankamericard cash rewards credit card. 1% cash back on everything i buy. period. no limit to the amount of cash back i can get. no hoops to jump through. simple. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. . . . . . . . . . the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you
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♪ is to love... some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do ♪ and i do li'm luke myers. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. anncr vo: eggs. the incredible protein. 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] the quarter-mile,
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or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving? to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers on the c-class. tina fey and the cast of "30 rock" rrn for a fifty season tonight on nbc, and that means the fictional show "tgs" is back for its fifth season as well. take a look. >> as we look forward to the fifth season of "tgs." nobody thought we would make it this far. jenna had crazy stuff into her contract that kicks in now. >> like what? >> eye contact. everyone must make eye contact with her at all times. she also gets a producer credit.
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>> what? >> it's just a vanity credit. it's a low cost way to make someone feel more important like executive producer ashton kutcher or executive producer hillary clinton. >> welcome barb to the season. nice to see you. >> nice to see you again. >> the clip there kind of hint thad people didn't know whether this would last. >> yes. >> did you feel that in reality? >> yeah. i mean, i really went into this show in the beginning thinking, like, all right, i'll have a dvd i can show my friends. now we're here five years later. it's crazy. >> were the doubters worried it was maybe too much inside baseball, a little too inside tv or maybe new york-sent rick for the rest of the country? >> maybe, yeah. that it's about tv, but it's really more about the office and people that work together and how much they care about each other, but, yeah, i think that was the concern in the beginning. also, we're all very old. >> well, demographics -- >> wrong demographic. >> because you are a performer, people, i think, say, okay, she's the star of the show, but you're at heart a writer. >> yes. >> that's what you do. when you hear and you win the awards in the emmys and golden
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globes, that's not why you put the show on the air, about the it's got to be a nice bit of positive reinforcement. >> sure. it helped us survive a couple of years too to have that recognition and sop we definitely -- yeah, we're always grateful when anything like that comes our way. >> this season the show did not win the emmy for best comedy show. >> no. >> i don't mean to -- does that serve as a -- she weeps openly on the show.tkpdoes that light e staff? >> for me going -- it was -- it is just thrilling that there are so many new shows and people are excited about them. you know, comedy succeeding is good for everybody across the board. i didn't really sweat it, but i think we're all -- we have always a fire. we have a constant fire. our staff works really hard. we work ourselves to death. >> at the end of last season you worked yourself to death with matt damon. a little romantic interest for your character. is he back? >> he is back. is he on the season premier, so tonight he plays a guy named carol who is a pilot. >> pilot, right.
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>> who i'm dating, which, of course, makes complete sense. he is really, really funny. >> are you at the stage with the show now, tina, where agents or stars are calling you guys? >> we have been -- always been very lucky where some people will approach us and matt did actually come up to us at the sag awards and was, like, i want to be on the show, so we're, like, okay. >> little did he know you would take him up on it. >> he is now, like, okay, leave me loan. >> you clearly have achieved the level of success that few people in your business achieve. you're not on facebook. you don't tweet. >> i do not tweet. >> why? why have you decided to kind of keep your distance from that? >> i mean, part of it for me -- >> neither do i, by the way. >> writing is work. i take writing seriously. i don't necessarily want to be dropping kind of passe things into the universe all the time, and also, i don't know how anyone has time to do all this. like, i have a kid. i'm at work. like, i don't have time to, like, type what kind of sandwich
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i had into the computer and send that into the universe. >> don't you worry that if you were out there tweeting that everybody who would read it would expect you to be hilariously funny with every single tweet? >> it would be humorus. steve martin's tweeting now is really funny. >> do you follow it? >> i heard about it, so i'm looking it up, yeah. >> you're a closet tweeter. i didn't mean to offend you. you mentioned it was fun just to be at the emmys last year. what's it like to do something like that in the opening segment? >> it's really fun. it was like nerves in a high school show. we were all back stage. john hamm, jorge from "lost" practicing over and over. it actually made the weekend really fun, because -- there i am. 40 years old. dancing around. look at john hamm. what an idiot. >> he was here the other day. he is our idiot, i'll beg your pardon. congratulation on coming back.
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tonight ç8:0030. >> 8:30, 7:30 central time. right here on nbc. teaching teens about beauty from the inside out. we'll talk more -- >> i'm going to do that. >> your local news and weather. ? >> i will do that. >> your local news and weather. good morning. 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. time to check that morning commute with mike. fl pretty busy. b.a.r.t. has ten-minute delays out of oakland. they don't need much help here. the backup goes back in towards the maze, but it's not quite as bad as monday, tuesday, or wednesday this week. we do have more folks coming up 880, almost a half an hour drive up past the coliseum. the live shot past the coliseum, the volume of traffic at high street, very nicely, and then we have that sunshine breaking through. and i guess things will be changing a bit over the next few days. >> yeah. that sunshine finally heating
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things up. you can't really feel it right now, though, but by the time we reach the lunch hour, most of us will be feeling the 70s. still in the 60s, though, in san francisco, and along the coastline. and at 4:00, some of us even making it back into the 80s. it's going to get hotter than this, though. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. today's high, 80, inland. ngd this weekend, might seeheati heat udvisories p cofongp for some triple-digit temperatures. tonight at 11:00, banking, buying, booking. you do it all online and it's all protected by your pass www.waward? right? wrong. what's better than a password to keep your information private? i'm scott budman and i have simple ways you can keep your online identity safe tonight at 11:00 after "the apprentice" on nbc bay area news.
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greed. the wealthiest corporations. billions in profits and bonuses. and the sacramento politicians just gave these same corporations a new billion dollar handout... paid for by cuts to education and public safety with no guarantee of creating one new job. but we can change this by voting yes on proposition 24. prop 24 repeals the billion dollar giveaway and protects our schools and communities. yes on prop 24. it's time to give us a break... not the big corporations.
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loot local news update in half an hour. "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great thursday morning.
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thursday morning, it's the 23rd day of september, 2010. it's another beautiful morning here in the northeast. out on the plaza with these nice people, i'm matt lauer along with meredith vieira, al roker,
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and ann curry. coming up, some important information about women and ovarian cancer. >> this month is ovarian cancer awareness month. coming up, opening up about her daughter with the disease. we'll talk about how to recognize the symptoms and what you can do to reduce your risk. also coming up this morning, talking to bobbie brown. she has a new book out targeting teens and involves also a survey that found that a lot of teenagers when asked where beauty really comes from, had the right answers, that it comes from inside and that they like how they look. we'll get to some of that coming up. you know what happens in one week. >> what? >> right here on the plaza, melissa and jeremy getting right here. that's right. we need you to pick their wedding cake. check out the options on our website at or or text your votes to 622639. >> they look good.
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>> some other news you want to talk about. there's a new comedy debuting on nbc tonight called "outsource. ben rappaport is one of the new stars of the show. how are you? nice to see you. congratulations. >> i want to shake your hand. >> ben's character in the show works for a company, this is my dream job, it's american novelty company that makes cushions. how did you get that job? >> i auditioned. >> tell me a little bit more about the show. >> it starts out, i come into work one day and find out the whole office has been fired. it's empty. my boss goes, well, you can have a choice, you can get fired, too, or go to india and run the call center, so i have student loans to pay off and he goes to india and runs the call center. >> is it true the actors get together and perform karaoke as a group? >> before we shot the pilot, the
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executive producer sent us to korea town in l.a. and made us sing songs that our character would sing, and they sent an a.d. along to make sure we stayed on task and didn't just have fun. it got out of hand. >> it worked? >> yeah, it did work. at the end, we are singing "we are the world." >> very nice. >> kumbaya. >> strange. >> you just recently graduated from juilliard and did some offbroadway, but you were working as a caterer when you got this gig. >> i was. >> this is really a great story. >> thank you. i was working on a broadway theater selling expensive water bottles to people. i was catering at parties with models and fashion people. try serving a model a cocktail. >> and apparently, you're also kind of a bit of a stalker because you actually -- >> no. >> you guys met --
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>> we ran into each other. >> we ran into each other a couple years ago back at juilliard actually. >> yeah. the rolling stones came and played a surprise concert at juilliard, and i was coming out of class and i had tights on. >> so did matt. >> yeah. he was down the hallway. >> can i take a picture with you? he beckoned to you. >> he beckoned to me. >> can i take a picture with you for my mom? she's a huge fan. he was nice. there's the picture, yeah. >> congratulations. "outsourced" premiers tonight on we nbc. we wish you all the best. >> thank you so much. >> at 9:30 central time. let's check the weather. >> let me check. i'm here. okay, stop. let's see what's going on.
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a check of the roker weather for saturday. we have sunny, mild conditions along the eastern seaboard. some rain in the pacific northwest, wet weather through much of sunday and then sunday, sunday we're looking at wet weather through the southeast into florida, rain in texas. pacific northwest getting wetter. we have sunny skies and hot weather through the southwest. that's w good morning. have not seen a lot of low clouds this morning, have not seen a lot of fog. as we look at san francisco, we are enjoying the sunshine. the sunshine is going to start to warm things up significantly. the warmth does start this afternoon. we'll reach 80 degrees in the inland areas. 65 along the coastline. tomorrow, much warmer, reaching 87 degrees. and 68 along the coastline. notice that temperatures are increasing to almost 20 degrees above where they will be, with this heat wave coming our way. and don't forget, you can get your weather any time of the day or night on the weather channel on cable or
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but you can only get willard right now. uncle willie! >> reporter: how sweet it is. this is the time of the year, leaves begin to change, get an apple and make a pie. happy birthday from smuckers. take a look, if you will. we're always glad to say hello to reverend elizabeth walton, california, 101, became a minister at 91 and she still serves as co-pastor. god love her. how about that? jenny diaz from clearwater, florida, 107, attributes longevity to her belief that age is just a number. jerry sutton of elkin, maryland. she -- he is 100 years old today. owns and operates a motel he's had for years. some of his customers go back to see him and stay at the motel. florence ehlert of alpharetta, georgia, 106 years old, takes no medicine.
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rode a motorcycle when she was 105 and will do it by herself the next time next year. and kitty weaver, 100 years old, climbed up the great wall of china at 94. sharp as a tack and she's published many books. i know her, beautiful lady, well-respected lady. dorothy walley of colville, washington state. 100 years old, opened up a mobile unit blood center after 9/11 and has received all kinds of special awards for that. frances robinson, san francisco, california, 101. secret to longevity is drinking a class of pia or maybe a little bourbon. not a bad idea. likes to laugh a lot. now, back to the great city of new york, the big apple. >> thank you so much, willard. in our last half hour, we introduced you to cody brown and
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his four wives part of the tlc show, "sisters wives" and polygamy. if you'd like to ask any questions, send them in. >> and coming up, bobbi brown has some beauty secrets for us.
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back at 8:40, this morning, "today"'s health, ovarian cancer. with early detection, it is 90% curable. one of the women impacted by the disease is actress connie needham, former star of the hit show "eight is enough" and the face of the women's cancer foundation. >> when i was first cast on "eight is enough." it was so exciting.
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i was 15 years old, sophomore in high school. >> it was the first television work she had done. not long after she was married and started a family. taking a break from acting, connie chose to focus on her children. more than 25 years later, now divorced, connie faced a life changing diagnosis. >> i noticed my energy level dropping. i started to have some bloating i thought at first, because it was so gradual, i was just putting on weight because i was getting older. finally, i started to have a little trouble breathing. that sent me to the doctor. >> connie had an ultra sound and with that came the devastating news. >> in may of 2009, i was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. >> she was scheduled to have a complete histrectomy, followed by months of chemotherapy. >> i called my mom. that was especially hard.
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the final conversation ahead to have was with my daughters. i was able to explain what was going to happen, what was going on, what i had, at the same time, there was no reason to think the worst. >> her surgery was a success and fortunately for connie, the side effects from the treatment were manageable, allowing her to appear on "today" last march. >> i african-american feeling fantast . >> i am feeling fantastic. the treatment i was having at that time allowed me to recover enough to feel pretty good. i had my last chemotreatment on july 21st of 2010. >> two months later, connie is back on track and cancer-free, but still under doctor's care. >> today, i feel fantastic. i feel like myself again. i feel excited and motivated and
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emotionally fantastic. physically, i need to get back in shape. >> and her message to women fighting ovarian cancer today? >> there is hope. there is amazing progress. people are getting better. let goodness in. >> today's contributor, dr. rosh, good morning to you. what is ovarian cancer. >> it occurs when cells in your ovary overpopulate, get a genetic mutation that causes them to grow uncontrollably and can spread to other parts of the abdomen. >> until recently, it was known as a silent killer and some of the symptoms are non-specific and by the time you realize you have ovarian cancer, it may be out of control or spread. what are the warning signs? >> research has shown they can be very vague.
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>> like bloating? >> exactly, bloating or feeling of abdominal fullness, seeing your abdomen get bigger, abdominal pain and urinary frequency and things that could be signs of depression but also early signs of cancer. >> if you have these symptoms, at what point should you go to the doctor and at what point do you direct it to the doctor. >> people can have bloating for years and if it persists, talk to your doctor and tell him about your family's cancer history, and ask for an ultrasou ultrasound, the best way to detect it. >> talking about family history, connie has two daughters, are they more likely to develop it because she has it? >> they are. the point is test it because there are certain specific mutations, braca 1 and 2.
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and there are colon symptoms that elevate your risk and important to talk to your doctor about all the types of cancer in your family and whether that raises your risk? >> the general treatment? >> radiation and chemotherapy. >> there are success stories and connie is one of them. what is the news on the horizon when it comes to this disease? >> the good news is we're becoming much more aware of these early symptoms. both doctors and patients are more aware and if you treat it early, you have a good chance of surviving. >> any ways to prevent it? >> taking oral contraceptives. >> really? >> and having one child reduces your risk of ovarian cancer, breast-feeding reduces your risk or if you had a tubal ligation, that also reduces your risk. >> dr. roshini raj, thank you.
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how to get teen girls to embrace their beauty and stay true to themselves. ah, focus group. so what are we testing here? that's our new pastrami grilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern.
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we sell lathes, mills, high-tech equipment. i had an idea to go ahead and put up a couple of items on ebay, and they brought more than our expectations. meg whitman gave me the tools to expand globally. we sell to australia, india... that big blue machine over there? it's going to malaysia on wednesday. with ebay, she created jobs for millions of people. with meg's creativity, she'll be able to create jobs here in california. i'm mariano ruiz and i'm a meg whitman success story.
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this morning on today's beau beauty, getting young women to be comfortable in their skin. bobbie brown sitting down with five young girls to feel beauty about what they see in the mirror. ♪ . >> how many of you guys have even worn makeup before? how old were you when you first started? do you remember? the first time you wore it out of the house? >> i started wearing mascara to school in 6th grade. >> i was 9 years old. >> my mom this is one that introduced me to makeup. i would always watch her. >> i have three brothers. it's not like girly in my house,
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i guess. with my friends in 7th grade, i started knowing what i had to do and got my makeup done at the mall. >> i was a dancer so i performed with makeup on and spoke to my mom about what she thinks would be like good for me to wear to school. she says to keep it natural. >> i first wore in it 6th grade. i woke up really early to put on black eyeliner and mascara before school. and i remember being really excited about it. >> everyone here has like ridiculously perfect skin. >> thank you. >> what was that snicker? >> i like my skin but i find some flaws. >> i want a different nose. >> why? >> i don't like my nose. >> turn to the side. it looks like you bought that nose. what do you think when you look in the mirror? >> i really like, like my eyes. >> beauty comes so much from
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someone's energy and spirit and how they look. for me, i like to empower young girls or women to make themselves look like themselves but better. >> why wear makeup at all? just like you're wearing earrings or a necklace, makeup expresses your personality and about feeling good and helping other people feel good. >> bobbi brown is out with a new book, called "beauty rules." lifetime essentials and life lessons for teens. >> it's surprising how yong some of these young women were when they first wore makeup. >> i was in 7th grade. >> i was in high school. >> girls are bombarded with so many images daily and unrealistic images of beauty and what you should look like. girls are more curious, as mothers teach their girls what to do instead of telling them
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what not to do, it's not a big deal. there's nothing wrong with a touch of makeup. >> you also make this big point, it's not how you look but who you are. it's what you're saying. it seems like a confusing message. >> it's not. i really believe the better you take care of yourself, the better you feel. wearing a little makeup, there's a reason i'm wearing a little makeup going to the grocery store, i'm not going to a party, but appropriate, covering with concealer on a blemish for a teenager, feeling good when you walk in the door. there's enough angst when kids are young with their friends and everything. you don't want the look to take over, you want to feel good and empower the girls. >> you're saying being conscious of the pressures on this age group is part of the - the -- nevertheless, you commissioned a survey, more than 1,000 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 were asked questions. two-thirds of them said
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self-confidence is one of the key attributes to making a woman beautiful. >> but young girls are also getting that message, that you care about. >> i was so surprised and so happy when i heard. i could not be happier girls and women now are starting to realize, it's okay, be who you are. we're a very powerful gender and we can do anything. you have to start young to know what you can accomplish and be who you want to be. yes, i'm a makeup artist, not about what you're wearing on the runway, about your everyday life, how you feel good about yourself and empowering yourself. that's what hits a nerve. >> in this book, as you're targeting the youngest audience you ever talked to. >> my last teenage book is 10 years old and decided to write this one because so much has changed. the messages has not but this has. >> what has changed? >> first of all, the internet, facebook, they see more, know
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more, more sophisticated. about being age appropriate and doing the right thing and about loving your freckles, loving your curly nose. the book is full of makeup and beauty tips. the underlying message is you can see your semifinals in these girls. they're not one model in this book, girls i picked up on the streets, waitresses, friends' daughters. you can find yourself in this book. if you feel good about yourself and are comfortable, that's the biggest gift anyone can give their daughter. >> especially for girls who are not comfortable, this is a message they need to hear. >> how many girls feel comfortable, i grew up as a teenage girl and i don't have daughters to deal with it, i have three boys. and it's easy to assume your smart friend, athletic friend is better than you are. >> who is this? >> gosh, that's me in my bedroom in chicago.
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nice. purple and pink. >> bobbi, we love you no matter how you look and who you are. the book is called "beauty rules."
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just ahead, we will the albrown the brown family, one man and
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his four wives. >> and what airlines are [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. good morning. it is 8:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. mike is here with an update on our commute. >> and i'll take you down to mountain view, laura, the northbound direction. really jammed up as you're coming past shoreline because of an accident still blocking two lanes. it's been there for just over ten minutes. so this is causing some
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considerable slowing, just as things were beginning to ease. we have that late burst of traffic. coming off 237, you'll find that jam as well. northbound 101 from basically off of tully, really slow up past the airport. 85, a lot better than it was before and 280 slow through this area. there's livermore, still jammed up coming into livermore. more news, after this.
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today, b.a.r.t.'s board will vote on whether to rename one of its stations. community groups asked them to change the name to pleasant hill contra costra center. the contra costra transit village area covers some 2,800 homes. according to b.a.r.t., changing the maps, train schedule station signs and brochures will cost
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about $413,000. community groups have volunteered to cover some of those costs. brent will have another local news update for you in about 30 minutes or so. "today" show returns in about a minute. have a great morning.
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we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning, we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning, the 23rd day of september 2010. breezy out on the plaza, warmer than normal temperatures for the first day of fall as mr. roker pushes us into the mid 80s today. >> that's right. >> i'm not complaining. >> it will be even warmer tomorrow. >> out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer, along with mr. roker, as i just mentioned, and tamron hall. nice to have you with us as well. >> thank you. >> good news. it appears they're making more progress than they expected down
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in chile with the miners trapped more than a half mile below the surface of the earth. they have been there 50 days now. and thought they might not get them out until christmas. na natalie morales is down there, and there is a progress report that might bump up the date. we'll talk to natalie in a couple minutes. >> that is good news. if you think marriage is tops, quite a story, four wives, 16 children. they claim very little drama. that's what they say. this group is now the focus of a tlc reality show, called "sister wives." look how adorable those children are. it sparked a lot of conversation online. people are tweeting and sending e-mails and we asked them to come back and answer questions from "today" show viewers. and questions about the jealousy and how you keep it together. there's a little drama. >> they have a tv show. there is a little drama. and when they travel, their
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luggage fee has to be tough. >> good segue there. >> guess what? we have the baggage you need to travel because the airlines have been banking nearly 500% increase in fees. so travel and leisure picked the best bags for you to travel with. >> ever seen al's carry-on? it's a nuclear powered thing. i'm serious. >> you climb inside it. it's cool. >> ann curry is standing by at the news desk with all the headlines. ann? >> matt, thanks again. good morning, everybody. in the news, president obama today is urging the u.n. general assembly to support the creation of an independent palestinian state within a year. the president says the rights of the palestinian people can only be won through peaceful means and israel will never be truly secure without sovereign and stable neighbors who are willing to coexist. >> this time, we should draw upon the teachings of tolerance that lie at the heart of three great religions that see
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jerusalem. this time, we should reach for what's best, if we do when we come back here next year, we could have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the united nations, an independent, sovereign state of palestine, living in peace with israel. iowa egg producer testifying before congress wednesday apologized for the salmonella outbreak that sickened some 1,600 people and led to a massive egg recall earlier this year. the second egg producer took the fifth amendment. today, another recall. this one, involving up to 5 million containers of powdered similac infant formula that may have been contaminated with insect parts. we'll have much more on our website at and video chain blockbuster is filing for bankruptcy protection as it tries to
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reorganize, but the company says it plans to keep its stores open. and there is hope in chile that the 33 miners could be freed much earlier than december. national correspondent natalie morales is at the mine with more on the story. natalie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, ann. you can see all the activity behind me, a very busy rescue team. officials say that rescue may come earlier, which would be good news for the families here. it's a new day at camp hope, home away from home for the families waiting since august 5th, the day their world crumbled into the desert rock along with the mine that swallowed their loved ones. gonzalez, or "clown raleigh" known affectionately feels it's his duty to help here. the kids need happiness, he
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says. life goes on here, as best it can. spirits remain high as they cling to letters from their loved ones brought up almost daily from the mine. nearly a half mile below, and for 50 days now, the miners are trying to get on with their subterranean existence. they know getting out safely is as much up to them as it is to their rescuers. they've shown nothing but resilience, even finding their own way to celebrate chile's independence day this past weekend. but good attitudes aren't enough. the key to their survival, daily deliveries, thanks to doves, through a three-inch shaft, brings them food three times a day, medicine and vitamins. to maintain normalcy, the men mimic a routine of day and night with lamps. they communicate regularly with their families.
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♪ >> reporter: on wednesday, the loved ones of miner alex vega, celebrated his birthday, celebrating through a hook-up. the miners have even been sent cigarettes and a projector screen, allowing them to watch soccer and movies. work also helps. the men have shifts where they help clear the rock from the drilling. wednesday, they recovered a part of a drill that became detached. >> so far, the miners have been a help to our operation, giving us tips what they're seeing down there versus what we're seeing on the surface. >> reporter: brandon fisher is one of a small group of americans on the surface racing to help the miners. he has experience in rescue, helping pull out the miners from the 2002 quecreek mine disaster in pennsylvania. >> it's close to our heart and we wanted to come down here and do something. >> reporter: late last week,
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their drill, known as plan b, was the first to break through the chamber where the 33 had been trapped. >> everyone on site started hugging. it was a defining moment. >> reporter: just like quecreek, the chile rescue plan will entail sending a bullet shaped steel cage capsule, expected to be completed by next week. it will be more than 8 feet long but only 21 inches in diameter, big enough to pull the men to the surface. for the families keeping a daily vigil here, hope a new day will bring them one day closer to their loved ones. now as far as a timetable for the rescue, the lead engineer here is telling us that it perhaps could be moved up to that first week in november, but the families here are hoping and thinking it could be even sooner. perhaps the best indication of that, that rescue capsule we talked about is expected to be here next week. ann? >> that would be some great news.
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all right, natalie morales, thank you so much. it is seven minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to who but matt and al. >> here's matt lauer! >> matt and al! >> all waving. hi, mom. let's check it out and see what's going on for you for today. strong storms from wichita, to green bay and st. paul and oma. isolated tornados, torrential dourpedos excted. on the radar, look at this activity from south texas to green bay, where thundershowers are starting to fire up to the u.p. of michigan. some areas local ly lots of sunshine as we look at the oakland airport this morning. it was a little cool as we started the day off, but now we're expecting things to warm up. we'll see temperatures in the 80s by this afternoon. here is a look at your noon forecast. 73 in fremont.
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75 in livermore. 4:00 p.m. a bit breezy. and hot, hot, hot for the weekend. might see heat advisories sunday and monday. a nice group here. where are you from? >> what's your names? the green family. you're the spokesperson. very nice. okay. thank you green family. let's go from the green family to tamron hall. >> thank you. now to what many people would consider an unusual family dynamic. one man with four wives and a combined 16 kids and somehow they usually all get along. in a new series on tlc, it takes viewers inside the relationship of one man who had three wives for 16 years when he decides to add on wife number four. cody brown and his wives, mary, janel, christine, and robin are with us now. thanks for sticking around. people are really interested in your story, cody.
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like how does this guy make this happen. how does he pull it off? and you do it with a smile. this is a part of your faith, right? >> yes. >> and you're not legally married to all of your wives. you're legally married to mary sitting beside you who is your first wife. the other wives you still though consider to be as important. >> right. >> you're a brief answering man. do you just say yes to every woman in your life? >> no, i don't. just a thought process, this is something i was driven to by my faith, and in retrospect i think it's very important for the whole world to know that i would do it again out of love. >> if you had the opportunity. i'm going to ask you, we're in tough economic times, it's hard enough for a family with two children to make it work, you have parents working two and three jobs, you have 16 kids, four wives, you're a salesman.
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how do you handle the bills? >> he doesn't. we all work. >> each of you are working moms. >> i work at home. >> so that's a logical answer then because you can't make it work with 16 children. >> like every other family across america, it just takes everything we have, too. >> it takes a village with four wives. let me get to some of the questions people sent in. we have a tweet wondering if the wives ever get jealous and if the hubby has a favorite. i'll put you on the spot. do you have a favorite? >> no, i don't have a favorite. >> does anyone ever get jealous? >> it's definitely there. it's in the mix. it's normal. >> how do you deal with it though? >> you get over yourself basically. >> do you have a time-out box? >> usually i'm the brunt of the jealousy. it's like you're not treating me right, you don't want me enough, you're not being nice to me or whatever. >> how do you handle that? >> i apologize. say i'll try to do better. >> i saw you have a schedule for
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times where you just want some alone time. what happens when one of you wants the other woman's night just to talk or to whatever. >> like what are you asking, when he's gone? >> i saw you have a schedule for example. for intimacy and cuddle time, alone time, what if someone wants your time? >> i mean, i think -- ultimately we still function -- most of our day is spent functioning as an entire family. as far as like times at night, he just happens to be more around at your house that night essentially, and i think that we're all pretty respectful of each other's space. >> sometimes somebody has a need -- >> and a function. >> we say this person has a need and something gets switched and sometimes it's just like you have to wait. >> let me get to the next question. got to be flexible, i bet. susan has a viewer e-mail.
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how would you feel about bringing another husband into the family? >> no. >> that's not something that would even be considered. >> why? >> it's not what we believe. >> it's not how this works. >> is it part of the faith or is it just the dynamic? >> it is part of the faith. it's just one man. >> one man. >> yes. >> this came from a viewer. how did you get to meet and fall in love when you already had three wives? when did you find time for the fourth, to find the fourth wife? you answer because you found the fourth wife. >> he didn't. >> yeah, i didn't find her. >> robin and i found each other actually. >> how does that work and why were you looking for a fourth wife? >> we weren't looking. >> it just happens. >> how? >> they drouf up and we started talking, mary and i started talking and texting after that. >> so, mary, you knew he would fall in love with the fourth wife here? >> well, if he's going to get another wife, i'm sure he's going to fall in love with her, yeah. >> it's more a matter of, too,
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it's not like hey, hey, baby come over to my pad. it's like -- there is very much a spiritual aspect to our life and our faith. >> but, robin, weren't you looking to join the relationship? >> at that point i was a single mom and i was sort -- i was open to the idea of a potential family to be entering into. i knew i was going to live this way, and so i was open to it, but i didn't know it was going to be this family. >> let me ask you what made you want to do the reality show? was it money or was it because you want people to know and understand plural marriage, plural families? >> that is what it is. our religion and our faith and our family, polygamy is a hidden culture and we really don't want to be hidden anymore. we really would like it to be more open. we'd like our children to be able to have the benefits of a more open society. i was raised in this lifestyle in really kind of a fear base and i don't want to have that
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for my children. >> speaking of the children, we have seen some reality families fall apart. are you worried as parents this could hurt your children? >> i think we are double -- wech doubled our efforts to make sure they maintain a normal life, a normal schedule. we are protective of them -- >> we have tons of stability in this family as well. you have the four mothers, very giving, very rooted effect in the family. so i don't see us falling apart because we're not stable. >> cody, mary, janel, christine, and robin, thank you very much. tlc "sister wives" debuts on sunday. coming up, the hottest handbags of the season. and up next, we'll tell you how to save money on all those checked bag fees by finding the perfect carry-on after these meexges. carry-on, after these messages. you got in pretty late last night. dad, i'm not sixteen anymore.
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winter luxury by air wick. also available in scented oils. [ man thinking ] i'm so stuffed with gas. ohh, noo, not that! not, not here! [ male announcer ] prevent uncomfortable gas moments with gas-x prevention. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. from gas-x, the gas-xperts. hall.
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this morning on "today"'s travel, the airline industry made $2.7 billion in checked baggage fees. while these charges keep climbing higher, finding the perfect carry-on has never been more important. the director of travel & leisure magazine is here with some of the top bags on the market. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> quickly, what are the guidelines? >> the main guideline, if you're going to carry on bag it has to be 45 linear with inch, take the height, depth and width and add them. less than 45, you can carry them on. otherwise it has to be checked. $25 per first bag and more money if you check additional bags. >> we have interesting ones. >> very important to have a carry-on. we tested these for packability, durability, ease of use. these are some of the favorites from our september issue. >> starting with? >> we have this one, super
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light, only 6.5 pounds. i have bag of groceries that is -- which is great. you want to fill that up. atlanta is only $80. super value. >> that's a great deal. >> this is samsonite. people talk about the wheels on cars but wheels on luggage -- >> like the wheels on a bus. >> go round and round. this in fact goes round and round, super useful if you're stuck in an airport, just for fun -- >> you can sit on it and twirl around. >> more importantly, it adds to the maneuverability of the bag. we love this samsonite because it has tons of internal storage and a smart bag. >> how much is this one? >> a little one, in the $300 range. >> this is the workhorse of the bags. no nonsense, better for a guy, to be honest. expandible in the front. what i love about it, i put my laptop in the front and mine
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topples over, not great for laptops, this has a front support, so very versatile and smart. >> toomey. >> i love toomey bags, you don't see them usually this flat. this is made out of heavy duty nylon and expands to be quite sizable and the right size for a carry-on and has this chic python, for a city trip. it's an ligue bag, which means light in french. >> if you do have to carry on, you -- >> if you have to check. >> if you have to check, there are things you can do to make sure you find your bag. >> there are over 2 million bags lost by airlines in the last year. it's important to make sure your baguettes where it's going. cheapest way to do it, i get this all from my desk drawer, i take one of these and wrap it so you can see it coming down the
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conveyor. you can do fancy luggage tags you can buy and it's important to get to the airport in time to make sure to see the tag is put on your luggage. i was about to board a flight to tokyo recently. there was no tag. hold on! >> a lot of people, i've done this where i've shipped the bag ahead of time. >> it's very important to think about this and also cost it out because it can be very expensive. if you're doing skis or golf clubs, a good idea. jetblue and southwest are two airlines allowing you to check bags for free. that might be something to consider as well. >> thank you. coming up, colombian superstar hip shaker and grammy winner, shakira, hotter than ever, a new cd out and we'll talk with her after these messages. i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers, onion, banana peppers and mustard.
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i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast. on toasty flatbread. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else.
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add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ to bring the family together on sunday mornings than with the warmth and aroma of freshly baked pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ wink! ] [ wink! ] ♪ coming up, acomforting
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combination, beef and beer. we are making a gourmet winter stew. the hottest handbags of the fall season. >> first, your local news and weather. during cold and flu season. that's why we started a mission for health. by going beyond clean surfaces to healthy surfaces. by making a healthy way to wash hands. and even by working with a pediatrician to develop lysol healthy habits initiatives in schools. when you use lysol, you're a part of something bigger. for healthy tips and more, visit sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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good morning, everybody. time now is 9:26. i'm brent cannon. checking your commute with mike inouye and keeping tabs on an accident in the south bay. >> that's right. mountain view is where we had an accident in lanes for about half an hour. things are now moving more smoothly over past moffett boulevard, but you see the jam starting around the 680/280 interchange. sun sunol, 680, still smooth through the grade. we have the express lane, and that's where things start to clear up. so maybe the late burst heading to this area, but we haven't seen as much backup as we've had
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in the previous days. bay bridge showing a lighter backup. and the sun peeking through, looks like it might be warming up. >> it is going to warm today after another cool start. 45 right now in santa rosa. 65 in san mateo. 51 in gilroy and 51 in livermore. at the lunch hour, we will be reaching the 70s in many spots, except along the beaches and in the city. and then at 4:00, some of us making into it the 80s. then this weekend, it's all about the 90s, believe it or not. still around, because in less than one minute, brent has some more local news. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. if you plan to ride your bike today, make sure you obey the rules of the road. berkeley police will zero in bicycle law enforcement. one of the bay area's most dangerous intersections could be getting a major overhaul and you can help with the plans. the san francisco transportation authority is starting a new study to see how they can improve the site.
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an open house and public workshop will be held on monday from 5:30 to 7:30 on the 26th floor of 100 van ness avenue. ac transit board has voted to cut weekend service in half and four of six late lines will be eliminated. the moves are expected to save money, but people will lose their jobs. more local news coming up in half an hour and the "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great morning and see you back here in a bit. our state has a huge deficit. meg whitman's plan will make it billions worse by eliminating the capital gains tax for wealthy investors, including herself. economists say her plan will "rip a hole in the budget" and is "deeply flawed". analysts for the l.a. times say whitman's plan is a "pure handout" to the rich
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creating a "huge risk" to schools and public safety. jerry brown's against this unfair giveaway because it will take billions from our children when we can least afford it. get california working again-for all of us. anyway, touching two breasts doesn't make you an expert. >> i think they're real. i and if they are, i must say they are spectacular. >> what are you doing to me? >> he's a man who needs no introduction, jerry seinfield, out with a book now with long time industry man, we'll talk to you about "letters from a nut" tomorrow, here on "today." i don't know why they asked me to do the segment. i'm a single purse girl. i carry one and i'm so boring. no. we have bobbi thomas in the
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house. she says basically the fall is a great time to rethink our handbags and think about all kinds of styles out now. '60 style clutches to animal prints. they're bargains on the table and we will see if she can convince us challenged in this manner to buy a purse. >> i think you can do it. >> maybe. >> they're beautiful bags. >> if you get a big bag, you can put some of the stuff we're making in "today"'s kitchen into it. it's fantastic. an old twist on the standby favorite of beef stew. >> i wouldn't put that in my bag, in my mouth. >> a good snack. >> that looks amazing! >> you dip there in. >> i know. >> nbc news will be looking a hard look at the state of education in america, called "education nation." >> we will kick things off live with an exclusive interview with president obama for a full half
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hour, share his thoughts on what's going wrong and what we can do differently and put questions for the president on our website. the nbc week long education special, "education nation," our live interview with president obama monday on "today." >> a very big week, important topic. i got to see that movie, "waiting for superman." >> it moved your heart. >> deeply emotional movie. more than talks, some real good will come to help our kids in school. but, let's talk about the weather, actually, what's on people's minds today. >> let's do that. we will show you for "todatoday weekend ahead. showers in the upper great lakes, back to the mid and mississippi valley and record highs in the gulfcoast. for tomorrow, we have more wet weather across the plains and
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great lakes and to new england. the weather will continue move. ing up towards the and it's warming up here too, as well. looking at a sunny oakland airport this morning. our forecast highs will make it into the 80s in many spots. for instance, livermore will see 80 degrees. 83 in fairfield. 82 degrees for a high today in concord. 68 degrees today in san francisco. 76 in santa cruz. if you want some heat, well, we've got some for you, even though it's fall. i have a summer-like forecast. we're seeing temperatures reaching as high as 97 degrees by monday. who will be joining randy
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jackson? the new panel of superstars revealed wednesday. >> jennifer j.lo, mixed reviews, reportedly getting 12 $12 millia year and steven tyler, $16 million. they have to bring it. and i used to be a "american idol" fan and didn't watch it last season and thought it was kind of boring and this is how j.lo entered and attracts entrance. >> a nice silver jumpsuit. not everybody can pull that off. >> that's pretty cool. it should be interesting. >> should be. an interesting mix of people. >> we'll see who will be simon, the tough love character. can j.lo it? >> hand have the in-house mentor. >> and hot handbag for the cooler season, right after this. for dessert lovers.
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often, the best part of a meal is the dessert. but sometimes after a busy day and a heavy greasy dinner... my system needs some tlc. now there is something new. introducing activia dessert. rich, silky, smooth yogurt with desserty flavors like strawberry cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, and peach cobbler. and because it's activia, it helps regulate my digestive system. mmm. works for me. ♪ activia new activia dessert. hey, little dude. "dinner's" my middle name. how 'bout some hamburger helper? oh, my, but your mouth is gonna love it. and your wallet's gonna be pretty happy, too. now this is the deal of the day. hamburger pound, one pan, one tasty meal.
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[ water runs ] [ female announcer ] new chef boyardee whole grain beefaroni. [ whispering ] now with whole grain pasta. shh. moh-ohm. -do you have your lunch? -yes. and you know where your classroom is? uh huh. mom, i can walk from here. what about your... mom, i got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're never too big for a little something sweet. kellogg's rice krispies treats.
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what if something bad happens? so what happens if someone gets my credit or debit card and buys a ton of stuff? that would be... really, really bad. [ male announcer ] with bank of america's zero liability guarantee, you're not responsible for any fraudulent charges on your card. guaranteed. bank of america says they'll credit any fraudulent charges back to my account as soon as the next day. the next day! that makes me feel better about using these cards. they've got my back. they've got my back. [ male announcer ] the opportunity to worry less about fraud with the zero liability guarantee from bank of america.
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this morning on bobbie's style, we will show real life examples how her fall handbags can complement our styles.
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you have a great punch of selections, i'm eager to get to them. you are showing us major trends. i'm anxious to get to them. >> nothing is out. there is a trend for all of them. these are fun everywhere. i want to show you what's available at every price point. for each category i have somebody to try it out. >> your first one is the retro revival, it feels like with the madman redo book -- >> absolutely. we're craving revival. and trend setters, remember this name, the hollywood handbag, angelina jolie, and the top handle is what makes it feel lady-like. modern designers are incorporating different colors and redoing the classic. >> you have black leather and brown leather and you can wear it with both.
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>> and prada made them feel very lady like feel and some are a lower price point. some $40, misrange, 50, 60, something like this is $88 from jessica simpson's line, all on our website if you like this particular bag. >> you go through the streets of manhattan, armed with a bunch of bags. you pick out these poor unexpectiunexpect iunexpect -- unsuspecting women, what do you say? >> this is a friend who just moved here from california. she has this oversized bag very hip and cool. i asked her to try the lady-like size and here's the photo and all of a sudden, her body, va-va voom, showed off her shape and can go from the office to out with her girlfriends. it's like a day bag.
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>> it not only changed her outfit but her whole presentation. >> yes. >> animal friends, look, they never seem to go out of style and they're back again. >> i'm so glad you said that. everybody says they're always a trend. they're always here and you will see them everywhere, mainly because prada and so many designers have done the leopard look and you are seeing faux fur everywhere. that's nine west, a great bag and a designer is going to be teaming up with target october 10th. this is a fun thing you're seeing in the stores and magazines. we also have another photo. i think this is a category for the woman who gets stuck with the black or brown bag. >> that's me. i don't want to choose or change bags or think about it and why i only have one bag. >> nova, who i found on the street, has this great basic bag and even though she's wearing
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color, say, i don't know if that will match and you can see right away, it adds attitude and fun tooh to her look. this is a classic. >> you're scaring me, bobbie. you're starting to convince me. you don't have to change your outfit. >> and i think it adds fun at night with t-shirt and jeans going out to dinner. >> cool little something here. >> and the one nova bag from jc penney, $49. >> you call these shape shifters because they do different things? >> shape shifters. some do different things. this is a drawstring shape from the '80s. this is one of the headliners shifting the shape of their bags, we see this from topshot to h and n and i love this from mango. this is a bag you can put on
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your shoulder, i got for you, but it's also a backpack. how great is this. >> if you have a lot of things in it. especially being a mother, you want to have your hands-free. >> i have one. >> you do? >> i found a mom on the street, nicole from new jersey, see he the bag hanging off her shoulder and the cross bag is also something she can wear at night and gave her the hands-free ability from sabina. it can do so many things and give her the flexibility she needs. >> even though we looked at these very expensive bags, they're coming in lower priced point, something for everyone. >> there's something for everyone, if you want to make an investment but, yes, it's not just about the one "it" bag, find something that can work for you, all on our website. >> thanks, bobbie, to try to
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boost our fashion profiles. all this is online. >> i did all the homework and you can find all the links and prices. >> thanks so much. glad to have you here as usual. we have warmth and comfofortoorc for cooler weather right after this. i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function... starting within 15 minutes. [ woman ] symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. [ man ] symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. [ woman ] symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine.
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be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can hlee their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. an freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. i drove the '92 camry. i drive a 2007 camry. i was expecting the 2005 camry, and my sister got it. i was driving the '94 toyota camry,
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and my dad surprised me with a 2005 toyota camry. [ julie sighs ] i drove all of them, but i drive the 2009. [ interviewer ] why camry? reliability. yeah. affordability. [ male announcer ] share your toyota story on stay twice... earn a free night! two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. if you could see how nature made fish oil protects your heart, you'd be glad you take it. its omega 3's strengthen your cell walls so they stay flexible. and nature made fish oil is the number one recommended by pharmacists. nature made. glad you took your vitamins.
9:47 am
[ man thinking ] i'm so stuffed with gas. ohh, noo, not that! not, not here! [ male announcer ] prevent uncomfortable gas moments with gas-x prevention. just one before meals helps prevent gas before it starts. from gas-x, the gas-xperts. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. there's a full serving of vegetables in every manwich. announcer: surprise. every manwich has a full serving of wholesome vegetables. manwich. meat your vegetables.
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this morning in "today"'s kitchen, a warm meal for a chilly fall night, especially today where temperatures are at 80 degrees. what better meal than beef and porter stew. michael is the executive chef. nice to see you. where did the porterhouse get its name? >> really, it comes from porter. a dark brewed ale, dark brewed beer, not as dark as many, has full flavor. it came from porterhouses in 19th century new york, where you drank this and ate beef. >> and we'll look at the beef stew. you can buy it already cut up. you like to buy it yourself. >> i like to know what i'm
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buying and tend to be hands-on. this is chuck, great for stew, has a little more fat content but you can trim it off at the end. it gives it the flavor. you use top round, it's too lean and tends to dry out. >> a little less expensive. >> it's a great value, especially for families. you have a couple of pounds of beef chunk. i brown the chunk, caramelized onions and we can put our beef back in and start to build our stew. this is the kind of dish you want to have in your repertoire. i think that's really what it's all about, a simple easy fast dish to make. takes a little cooking time. let's season our beef. i haven't added salt and pepper. >> go right ahead. >> you sewn it after you brown it off. >> our liquid is great. goodrich flavor. we will put in two 12 ounce bottles. beef broth. i cut the beef broth with water.
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then just a low sodium canned broth, a goodrich flavor, we have all our vegetables. >> what do you have here? rude ba rutibaker, carrots and parsley. >> tomato products. notomato produc notomato -- tomato products. >> you use plump tomatoes and actually, we forgot to put in the flour. i like to brown the flour, whether we put that in or not. our stew cooks up in an hour and 15 minutes. >> you have a little garney. >> the garney goes in, bay leaf, rosemary. this is a great side dish with our beef, i like potatoes. instead of putting my potatoes in, i'm making a potato
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casserole -- >> very thin sliced potatoes? >> thin sliced potatoes, carmelized onions. keep layering them in. it makes a great casserole. when it's ready to go in the oven, a little beef broth or water would be fine. absorbs the liquid, cooks, drys so it absorbs the liquid. you have beef stew with water and carmelized potato and onion casserole. the porter is a great flavor. it's rich, not too tart. kind of almost characterchocola. >> kind of earthy. with the fresh vegetables, if you put time in it, when you're serving it -- >> what is the mistake people make with this? >> they cook it too fast, boil the beef and that toughens it. if you want it tender, cook it low and slow.
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this gets better, make it today and serve it in three days when the weather changes. that's my advice. >> i love it. michael, always good to see you, my friend. the recipe can be found on our website at coming up, superstar she kyra. she can shake those hips. these lips don't lie. baker.
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look who came in. we have a big show. >> what you got coming up? >> shakira. >> karo. >> i get them confused. shakira is the younger one. >> e'shat whyshe's on our hour.
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>> after your local news. -- captions by vitac -- tonight at 11:00, banking, buying, booking. you do it all online and it's all protected by your password? right? wrong. online criminals have other ways to steal your identity. so what's better than a password to keep your information private? i'm scott budman and i have simple ways to keep your online identity safe tonight at 11:00 after "the apprentice" on nbc bay area news. wn and oakland's .
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what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases...50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad...the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now. and good morning, everybody. time now 9:56. i'm brent cannon, checking in with mike inouye. south bay has been kind of a tough commute. >> sticking around quite a bit.
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slowing going on northbound 101. still very slow from 680 all the way up past san jose international airport. at the bottom of the screen, i want do point out how 85 pretty much from 87 all the way up to 237 and 101, even, still slow. speeds in the 40s there. 280 actually cleared sooner that that. that's not unusual the case. slow coming off hayward toward the san mateo bridge. the bridge itself moving very nicely. not a really big deal so far. >> no, not a lot of cloud cover this morning, nor a lot of fog. a lot of us will see quite a bit of sunshine at noon. most of us getting up into the 70s. cooler along the coastline and cooler in the city. at 4:00, even some 80s being seen across the region. still 76 in fremont. 68 in san francisco. then it's all about summer, making a comeback. forecast highs back in the mid-90s this weekend, brent. even though it's fall, it's still summer in my forecast. >> yeah. getting a little hot. thanks a lot, jennifer. a warning for parents this
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morning. walnut creek police are looking for two men who tried to lure a boy into a car. a 13-year-old was walking in a shopping center in walnut creek tuesday afternoon when two men in a dark blue chevy suv pulled up next to him. the driver leaned out and said that the boy's mother had sent them to pick him up. the boy ran, but got a good look at the men in the process. the men are described as white males in their 30s and 40s. one was bald with green eyes and a goatee and was heavyset. jaycee dugard and her two daughters may not have to take the stand in two weeks against philippe and nancy garrido. the two are charged with kidnapping jaycee and holding her captive for 18 years. they're speeding up the trial by using an el dorado county grand jury to indict the garridos. grand jury charges would then allow the prosecution to bypass a hearing that's scheduled for october 7th and go directly to trial. more local news coming up in half an hour and the "today" show returns in about a minute.
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have a great morning and we'll see you in a bit. [ male announcer ] barbara boxer. she fought to get our veterans the first full combat care center in california. her after school law is keeping a million kids off the street and out of gangs. and she's fighting every day to create new jobs. i'm working to make california the leader in clean energy. to jump-start our small businesses with tax credits and loans to create thousands more california jobs. i'm barbara boxer, and i approve this message... because i want to see the words made in america again.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. it is thirst day, the 23rd of september. nothing to drink today, but, you know, hope springs eternal. we'll get over it. >> yeah. after yesterday, we do need a drink. we, together, went back to school. okay, there is an -- nbc is doing this big thing i'm sure you heard of called the education nation. >> which is a very serious thing, but we're --
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>> and terrific. it is a great thing. we decided to go back to -- we didn't decide. >> no, we were told to. >> go back to fourth grade. so we had our outfits on. and we were learning a lot and what we learned -- >> all right, it became a musical. >> elementary school musical. here is the thing i learned, math in fourth grade is difficult. science, we looked in the thing. math was complicated. >> but gym was easy. >> we liked gym. >> that was -- >> reading. >> what do they call it? >> language arts. >> language arts. when did reading become language arts. >> we called it language arts. >> want to thank everybody over there, west new york public school 2. >> ps2. >> they were the cutest kids, so well behaved and that school is beautiful, clean, neat as a pin. the teachers were all great. we'll show that next week.
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>> the documentary called waiting for superman is coming out i think on friday. and there had been some prescreenings. >> you saw it like six months ago and you said, kathie, i cide six times. >> it shows you how young kids in elementary school, their whole future is determined by a lottery, they're choosing kids who get to go to the better schools. y they yell out girl 24 and you look in the auditorium and one kid slehrieks and all the other kids hang their heads. it is a great documentary. hopefully people will see it. >> speaking of crying, i started to read your book yesterday. it was taken over by frank gifford. he's reading it. as soon as he puts it down, i will let you know my comments and thoughts on it. >> i'm curious to know what you think of it. you haven't read any of it. >> you haven't read mine, and it's been out for a year and a half. that's okay, hoda.
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real friends do that. apparently there is some controversy that i didn't know about until today. >> yeah. katy perry was appearing on this -- on the show "sesame street." and there is a big show coming up soon, they decided to put this on youtube. take a look at it first and tell us what you think. >> that elmo. ♪ hot and cold you're yes and no ♪ ♪ you're in and you're out starting to doubt ♪ >> the question is, what do you think of this video? >> green's not her color. >> well, we did an unscientific poll here at nbc and i think it turned out that, i don't remember the numbers, but there it is, okay, 71% of the people thought that the video was fine. it is not too racy. >> this is new york city. here at nbc -- >> on the "today" show. we did a "today" show poll, an online poll. >> on our viewers of the "today" show. okay. >> that's what they think. >> i thought you asked anthony.
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>> now "sesame street" decided to pull it. >> i know what anthony would say. >> what? >> thumbs up, baby. >> they decided not to air that on the special. >> i think there is two school of thought. they have been very, very careful for many, many years since its inception to entrust their brand to people they trusted in return and be very careful. because once you lose your credibility, you lose everything. and so i think they're smart to listen to the viewers and the parents, but at the same time, you look at katy perry's outfits and compared to some of the things she's worn, she was like -- >> toned down. >> way toned down. >> or compare what she's wearing to other disney characters -- >> "sesame street" is not disney. >> but just what kids are seeing. you see ariel from "little mermaid." >> there is a little cleavage action there, hair flowing. >> and you see jasmine.
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>> jasmine was taking a ride with a boy, if you know what i'm saying, on a magic carpet ride and we all know what that's a metaphor for. >> okay, so they decided, the quote from "sesame street," we value our viewers' opinions, particularly the parents, in light of the feedback we received on the katy perry music video which was released on youtube, we decided not to air the segment on tv. they say if you want to see it, you can watch it on youtube. >> watch it on youtube. i don't know. >> it doesn't seem that bad to me. >> compared to some things we see that are truly the sexualization of young girls, this stuff -- and it was playful. it wasn't sexual in nature. just elmo is a little, i don't know. it doesn't bother me. you know that pretty much everything bothers me, you know. but this one doesn't. >> okay, so finally, we can -- >> it bothers her parents. she's the daughter of a pentecostal preacher. >> i don't think that one would bother her parents. i think the one where she's squirting, you know, the video, she's squirting out, yeah, i don't know what it is. >> my father would not have
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liked that. how about yours? >> no. >> your egyptian father, what would he have said about that. >> i don't care where he's from, he would have been ticked. ticked off. we can release the news, the idol judges have been chosen. >> and it is like so -- too much to do about nothing. >> j. lo. >> who is beautiful. >> and steven tyler. so the two of them came out, sort of anti-climactic, i would say, wouldn't you? because we knew. >> worst kept secret in hollywood. >> they say j. lo signed a $12 million deal. >> what about steven tyler? >> his is reportedly $18 million. >> really? >> that's what the card says. >> unbelievable. why didn't she fight for her rights as a woman to get equal pay with the man. >> can you believe how much that job pays? that's unbelievable. >> we're happy here, but we would dump this in an instant, wouldn't we? >> like that. >> that fast. >> out. >> in a new york minute. >> can we talk about a good song? i think you might enjoy it. okay. this is my favorite moment on
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thursday. it will only last a minute, but it is my minute. >> it lasts too long. >> i want to go old school. old school, this song is called "word up". it is from 1986. >> 1986? ♪ >> here it goes. you ready? ♪ down pretty ladies around the world ♪ ♪ got a weird thing to show you tell your brother and your sister ♪ ♪ you know what to do ♪ wave your hands in the air like you don't care ♪ ♪ like you don't care bolide by the people as they start to look and stare ♪ ♪ do your dance do your dance quick ♪ ♪ tell me what's the word >> if you're sitting at home and don't want to work out and say
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you can't get off the couch, download word up. tell me you're not feeling it. >> i don't feel it. i like perfect rhymes. ♪ deejays around the world ♪ word doesn't rime wi >> word doesn't rhyme with girl. it never did. it never will. if jennifer aniston is back with john mayer, somebody needs to sit her down and say, no. >> no, no, no. >> no, no, no. >> what was the question? >> is it okay or not okay to date a co-worker? and i said -- >> fine as long as it is not against company policy. hey, frank was my colleague and we all know how that worked out. >> yes, we do. hoda said if the chemistry is right and you're not doing anything wrong by the company rules, fine. as for dating your boss, try to find a better way to get a raise or more vaca. >> why did you read mine like
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that? i don't read yours like that. >> trying to be cool, hoda. >> i don't read yours like that. let's go to sara. >> i love the song. >> okay. i'm not alone. >> i think it should be this minute should be tagged with, like, a crew dance party, though, so we have a visual. >> has anybody heard of rosemary clooney? >> we're talking prince charming on the wall, katy perry, her outfit does not really reveal any more than wonderwoman. i don't think it is bad to be on "some stre "sesame street." kids see worse on the street, don't you think. >> coming up, shakira on the yont page of "t times" and so exciting. >> fresh from madison square guarden. >> she's a hot ticket. >> she is. >> we'll talk with her in a moment. ter tina, who i also helped do her first home loan. it was unbelievable how well it all fell together. we wanted to stay in our same neighborhood. kathy said, "well, let me give you rachel's number." rachel just made it effortless.
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i didn't have to do any of the work. rachel did it for me. extremely friendly... easy. i'll say, "i need this," we'd say here it is, and she says, "great. let me get back to you." so she spent a lot more time with me on the phone, face-to-face. she knows that's what my personality is and what i prefer. whereas if it was somebody else... like me. like tina. i'm on the computer all the time. it was emails and emails and faxes. she was just willing to do it the way we did it. clients i work with develop a relationship that lasts well beyond closing their loan. middle of the day at work i'd be emailing her. i don't know what to do. she's like, "don't worry. i got it." i don't want to say brainless, 'cause i'm smart, but i didn't have to think about any of it. easy. easy. easy. the whole loan process was simple and convenient! that's why i love quicken loans! ♪ everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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you're really, rich and happy. hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm. this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia
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at 33, shakira knows how to shake things up, so to speak. she has two american and seven latin grammys to her name.
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>> and now she's about to add a tenth album after her global hit this summer called "wakawaka," also known as time for africa. more than 170 million youtube hits on that one you you can take a look at her next hit to be called "loca" off her new cd. "the sun comes out". >> impressed. >> good to see you. it is nice to open up the paper this morning, "the new york times" and see a nice big picture of you at madison square garden. >> it is not the picture, it is what they say that is so complimentary. >> they gave you a home run not only for your music, but the stuff you do as a humanitarian. i like when a musician or artist does something like that. >> uses their celebrity for good. tell us in essence what your focal point is as an artist. >> as an artist -- >> around the world. >> i've been working on
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education since i was 18 years old. i started my foundation in colombia back then and since then we have been building schools in areas of conflict and internal displacement and where there is extreme poverty and children don't have access to education, which i've always considered a birth right and unfortunately in countries like mine and developing world in general, you know, education sometimes is considered a luxury. sadly. and not everybody has access to it. and i consider it the most important asset a person can receive, you know. >> you should come next week and shake things up a little bit around here. >> a lot of people do know you from your song "hips don't lie," such a huge hit. and now we have "loca" coming out. how easy is that, by the way? can you believe that? but this song "loca," looking at the video, it looks very home
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movies, like you're shooting this thing -- >> you were, though, weren't you? >> i planned this video in two days. and we decided to go on the street of barcelona, barcelona right there. and just experiment and it was an adventure, whatever happened happened. and i ended up jumping on a motorcycle without a helmet and jumping on a public fountain. so i think i'm probably going to get fined. >> they don't look too upset about it. you're not with elmo, so it's fine. >> the city of barcelona, there was a huge controversy after i did this video because there were people -- some people, the government were discussing if i should be fined. i think i should be fined, you know, $400 fine. it's okay. i'll pay it. >> you're on record, yeah. you didn't hurt anybody. >> i didn't wear a helmet. >> that you should have done. >> i should have done that. yeah, i agree. >> but your hair looks so good.
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you know, come on. helmet hair, helmet hair. >> right. >> your music sells all over the world. where are you most surprised that your music is very popular? >> i don't know. i think that one of the most amazing gifts that my music has given me is the opportunity to travel so much. and being in touch with so many cultures and people from so many different places and really get to seat world. and i go to places i never expected. i've played in india, in egypt, i've played in the pyramids. that was unbelievable. >> that's my peeps. >> your peeps. >> so rare i lose my -- >> and all these awards, after winning so many grammys and the rest of it, what sort of motivates you to create new things, new music? >> you know, i shouldn't be this -- after so many years i should be a little more calm about everything, but i love what i do, and i'm always putting myself in front of new
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challenges and i guess i'm still hungry, you know? >> and when you get on a plane and you're flying, say, to india, tell us real quick, who do you listen to on your ipod? >> i don't listen to that much music lately. maybe because i'm more -- >> you need to discover a world you had no idea existed. >> whose world? >> mine. just listen to my music. >> she's not narcissist? >> no. we're so happy to have you. you're adorable. all the best. god bless you. >> thank you, hoda. i'll give you a kiss. >> thank you. >> all the best to you. >> thank you so much. >> scissors, a printer, and these two ladies. [ announcer ] how do you plus up breakfast?
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so, you can eat them right here... or eat green giant beans at home... ...frozen within 8 hours to lock in nutrients. up to you. [ green giant ] ho ho ho ♪ green giant. "today's working woman" is brought to you by mcdonald's.
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i'm loving it. >> time for today's working woman and ways to save more than $100 a month on your grocery bill, but let us warn you, it will cost you. >> it will? >> yeah. >> all righty. about a whopping 15 minutes a week is what it is going to cost you. see this bag of groceries here? without coupons, $55. with coupons, what do you think, hoda? >> i don't know. >> read it. >> $15. >> you can do it too. >> joni demere and heather wheel rest founders of the crazy coupon and authors of "pick another checkout lane, honey." how are you? >> good to meet you. nice to be here. >> this is quite the savings. >> that's amazing when you think about how much money you can save. tell us about that. >> absolutely. you can save so much money with coupons, anyone should be using coupons, i don't care what your income status is or how much time you think you have, you should be using coupons. whether you live in trump tower or in a van down by the river, you too should be using coupons. >> i don't like it when people talk to me like that.
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>> i'm going to get to you. >> where are some wine coupons. >> you can afford to splurge on the wine. >> we know in the papers there are tons and tons and tons of coupons in there. you say clip away, right? >> yes. so we get -- there is tons of coupons from the sunday paper. crazy coupon lady, i'm getting five sunday papers because i just love cues upon, i want lots of coupons. >> but you're spending money on the newspapers. >> so in new york it does cost a lot. for me, $20 a month to get five every week. >> how much would ysave in the coupons you get from the five newspapers? >> i save about a thousand dollars a month on my grocery bill. >> that's serious money. it is labor intensive, right? >> it is. if you're feeling short on time, just do printable coupons. printable coupons, you don't have the newspaper showing up at your doorstep, especially a huge stack of newspapers, you go to your computer and print them. >> how do you get them? where do you go it find them?
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>> there is tons of websites that have them. we have a comprehensive list on our website of all of the available printable coupons. if you're feeling short on time, make your grocery list as you normally would and then come to our site and print the coupons, and really easily -- >> free money. >> yes. >> here is the problem, sometimes when -- >> there has to be a catch. >> when there is a coupon, you go, wow, i'm going to buy this, i don't normally get it or like it, but because i have such a great deal on it, i'm going to get it. that's my problem with sales or stuff like that. >> you're not going to do that. we're not buying anything that we're not going to use. >> she just insulted you too. >> i know. >> you guys are passionate about t it it. it is a little disturbing. >> organizing te ining the coup issue. >> how do we do that. there is an expiration date on these things, right? >> coupons are usually from 30 to 90 days. here's what i do. i'm a little crazy, i will admit. i clip all the cues upon and
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organize them in this coupon binder. i have 36 categories. so whenever i'm in an aisle, i can flip to the category. if i'm getting cereal, i flip to the cereal cal gwire. >> you take this to safe way? >> i do. >> are they furious when they see you coming? they must think you're crazy. >> they love us. >> really? >> is there a way to clip coupons for a, say, like a charity and send it off to a food bank or something like that? >> here's what we do. once our coupons expire, we collect them all, and we send usehem the for up litary basesp to six months after they expire. >> thank you for your time. >> you're adorable. >> we'll be right back after this. the new pantene. frizzy to smooth system. medium to thick hair absorbs up to 40% more moisture. so we customized a pro-v system
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that answers the big questions... about cinnamon toast crunch. like, am i gonna bliss out over this? spoiler alert: yes, i will! mmm! mmm! [ gasps ] i'm ok! time now, 10:26. i'm brent cannon, checking in with mike on the morning mú commute. this time we're jumping over to the east bay. of those slowórwd spots. a heavy volume of traffic heading south through pleasanton. it's been slow all morning, it didn't backì: up as far into s ramon, but a heavier volume of traffic expected thursday and especially fridays. you still have that slowing. the express lane itself, well, that's paying dividends there. qt toll also for fast track,". lñ the slowest la right now, but the metering lights should be>"(x turned off the next hour or so. that sunlight is already on. >> that sunlight is warming
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things up pretty nicely. 51 in concord. right now, 56 in san francisco. at noon, many ofk+y us will be the 70s. that will feel great. winds are lighter toda'wñ than z noon. we're forecasting those temperatures to make itn"bz inte y epspecially in the east bay. watch out for the heat this weekend. for a credit card compy fined millions, even deceiving seniors. an executive for predatory lenders, as harmer's bank got billions from the wall street bailout. david harmer -- helping corporations rip people off. a record we can't afford. we need jerry mcnerney, small businessman, voting against congressional pay increases and refusing to take them, standing up for what's right. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. this flu season, what would you pick for your flu vaccine? a shot in the arm? or a spray in the nose? i pick my nose. i pick my nose. i pick my nose gracefully. flumist. it's the only flu vaccine that starts fighting the flu in the nose,
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where you usually catch it. in a study of kids 2 to 5 years of age, flumist cut the risk of getting the flu in half compared to the flu shot. i picked my nose. she said i could. flumist may not protect everyone. flumist is not for people allergic to eggs or other vaccine ingredients or for children and teens taking aspirin or products containing aspirin, or for anyone who's had life-threatening reactions to flu vaccines. health conditions including guillian-barré syndrome, a weakened immune system, diabetes, pregnancy, or heart, kidney, or lung disease may exclude you from getting flumist. your doctor will decide if flumist is right for you. common side effects include runny nose or nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever. talk to your doctor to find out if flumist is right for your family. and visit sure is nice to have a choice. the raiders have a new qu.
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start on sundayz g a win. meantime, the?bqm need more offense. they have scored only one in the past a'3dvrks)ñ?hq innings over . cf1 o struck out twiceaa and had a rh night behind the plate as gvwel. a little passedlue ball, but th gets made worse"y after he find a throwing error to third.w#qusa the giants could not score. they were shut out for the 16th last night. i the giants dropbjc'- into second place, a half a game behind san string and getting a look at chris carter. y of the future. oakland, the white sox rallied for two runs late.
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former st.áó marys star mark( hahn got the rbi game-winning t double. ñs host the first-place rangers a little bit later on today. thanks for joining us. "today" show continues coming up next. i4
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